EDA & Recommendation on DonorChoose Kaggle problem
This repository pertains to the DonorChoose Kaggle challenge whose objective is to identify a solution to DonorChoose's problem of creating more repeat donors.
The overall approach to the problem was to characterize repeat donors so as to be able to identify first-time donors that are likely targets for promotional activity based on shared characteristics.
The repository includes:
- A jupyter notebook which includes the code that is the basis of this analysis,
- A link to a Tableau workbook which can be viewed on Tableau Reader (which is a free program), and;
- A slide deck summarizing the findings.
Please note that a visual manual of the schema (including all tables in the database used in this analysis) is included as the last slide (appendix exhibit 1) in the slide deck.
Please note: certain elements of the ipynb file don't render properly in the Github UI (hyperlink references) and it is therefore recommended that the workbook is downloaded and viewed through the jupyter viewer.
link to Tableau workbook: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K6rLNLc58Y0luuJH3vBEDfCI91ua5ARu/view?usp=sharing