Refuge: Predicting Refugee Migration
Prepared by: Jose Pauig
Abstract By the end of 2014, the estimate for total internally displaced persons and refugees was 59.5 million (1*) - a staggering amount. If machine learning has a role in aiding the resettlement process it might lie in predicting the movements of refugees. If we knew where refugees will originate, could the functions governing refugee application, training, and support - the systems which drive successful resettlement - operate more effectively?
1* As per the UNHCR Global Trends Forced Displacement in 2014 report.
IPYNB files accompany this report and include the code which is the basis of this analysis.
Given a country's profile, represented by its demographic, economic, and security measures, can we predict if that country will displace refugees that arrive in the US? Can we predict their volume and destinations?
Our objectives are:
To build a model which takes as input a country represented by its demographic, economic, health, and trade measures and outputs a decision as to whether the country will generate refugees in a particular year, To build a model which takes as input a country represented by its demographic, economic, health and trade measures and outputs a prediction on the number of refugees generated in a particular year and the destinations (at a state level in the US) of those refugees, and; To see if different clusters of countries generate different volumes.
Executive Summary
We can confidently predict whether a country will generate refugees but run into difficulty when predicting their volumes and destinations (though we can do better than simply predicting the means for each). With unsupervised learning, we can identify clusters which do displace different volumes.
Sourcing and Cleaning our Data
Information representing the demographic, economic, health, work and trade measures of all countries recognized by the UN was sourced from: The dependent variable for our supervised models will comprise of this information.
Information about the volume, origins and destinations of refugees arriving in the US for each of the five years ending 2015 was taken from BuzzFeed News’ Github repository: It was originally collected from The Department of State’s Refugee Processing Center.
As the UN dataset contained missing information - missing countries, fields with missing values - certain countries and fields were discarded. For example any measure for which more than 20 countries were lacking information was removed from the dataset. Where a country or field was missing only a few values, the respective mean replaced the missing data.
Gaining Familiarity over our Data
Plotting the locations of origin countries that generate refugees, it becomes apparent that the highest volume origins cluster in East Africa and in two areas in Asia. Certainly some of the countries which output the greatest volumes of refugees come as no surprise given the abundance of coverage of related issues and conflicts in the media. Burma which struggles with an ethnic conflict involving its Rohingya population, tops Iraq (from which most refugees claim to be escaping ISIS held territory). That Bhutan displaced 51 thousand refugees over our time period, however, may be an unexpected result. These countries, and other high volume displacers, raise two points of consideration for our modelling exercise: (1) There are a small handful of countries which generate the bulk of refugees, and (2) conflicts that are specific to these countries likely explain the resulting displacement.
Given that our target variables (i.e, number of refugee arrivals in the US) are strictly positive we might expect a right skewed distribution for arrivals. Significantly all countries output a low volume if any at all.
Using a Gapminder plot, we can visualize how arrivals change over two dimensions of our independent variable (i.e., country profiles represented by their respective demographic, economic, security etc. measures) and over time. Included in the accompanying IPYNB files is the Gapminder plot used in this analysis.
Building a Classifier to Identify Refugee Generating Countries Using a Random Forest Classifier, we get R2 = 0.9 on a validation set (which arbitrarily was set to the 2015 data). We can therefore provide a reasonable prediction on whether a country will generate refugees.
Included in the accompanying IPYNB files is a visualized example of a decision tree classifier which shows the variables and values on which nodes split.
Building a Regressor to Predict Volumes and Destination States of Refugees from an Origin Country Using a Random Forest Regressor - which outperforms a gradient boosting regressor and linear regressor with regularization - we only get R2 = 0.2, a relatively weak result. A log transformation on the dependent variable improves R2 dramatically but abstracts the problem.
Mapping the residuals, we know that we underperform disproportionately on those countries which generate the highest refugees. As we noted (above) the countries generating the greatest volumes are involved in specific conflicts which may not necessarily be represented by measures in our independent variable. I believe that improving the performance of the model would require additional fields such as an index which considers the degree of racial/ethnic violence.
In the above plot of residuals, the further a point is from the black horizontal line (y=0) the worse our model performs on the respective country. We can see our performance is worst on Burma/Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bhutan, and Iraq - four of the highest volume origin countries in our time period.
Unsupervised Clustering to Identify Groups of Countries Using k_means where k=5, we identify one small group of 10 countries including China, Armenia, Denmark, Albania, Lebanon, Argentina, El Salvador, Antigua and Barbuda, Burundi, and Albania. These countries do not share a common geography, level of development or any other immediately apparent attribute. Why they do cluster is a similarity in (1) low frequency of Adolescent Birth, and (2) low frequency of maternal mortality.
If we apply an ANOVA test, we get a significant p-value which indicates that these groups do in fact generate different volumes.