A Quadtree implemented in Go for the lecture Data Structures Data Management
at the university of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Before initializing the tree, one needs to decide a type for the item they want to store.
Say you want to only store vectors of dimension 3 with no associated values. Also, let the entries of the vectors be of type float32
Then, you pass the type and a comparison function, which compares your item. Here, we're going to use the provided CompareOrdered()
function, which can compare Integers
and Floats
and ~string
. (See https://golang.org/x/exp/constraints for more information)
tree := NewQTree[[]float32](dim, CompareOrdered[float32])
To insert an item:
item := []float32{1.434, 21.222, 332.23432}
And search for an item:
found := tree.PointSearch([]float32{1.434, 21.222, 332.23432})
Please be aware that PointSearch()
returns a *QNode[T]
where T
corresponds to []float32
in our case. The returned node has an property called .item
to retrieve your stored item.
const dim = 2
tree := NewQTree[[]int](dim, CompareOrdered[int])
//insert 5 items
var items [5][]int
items[0] = []int{-9, -9}
items[1] = []int{-9, -11}
items[2] = []int{-9, 2}
items[3] = []int{-10, -9}
items[4] = []int{12, -1}
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
tl := []int{-10, 10}
tr := []int{10, 10}
bl := []int{-10, -10}
br := []int{10, -10}
bound := [][]int{tr, tl, bl, br}
for i, f := range tree.RangeSearch(bound) {
fmt.Printf("[%d]: %v\n", i, f.item)
One can also easily store any kind of struct. In this exmaple, we will show you how to use the tree as a KV Store.
First, let's define a simple Key-Value pair structure, where we will use a list of strings as keys and the corresponding value is a string, too.
type KVEntryString struct {
key *[]string
value *string
Next, we need to specify a comparison function for our struct. On what properties do we want to compare it? Since strings are ordered, we can again rely on the provided CompareOrdered()
func compare_kv_str(a, b KVEntryString) (equal bool, quad int) {
return CompareOrdered[string](*a.key, *b.key)
This is all we need. Now, we can insert elements as follows:
const dim = 3
tree := NewQTree[KVEntryString](dim, compareKvStr)
// First entry
keyFr := []string{"Switzerland", "Fribourg"} // key composite
valFr := "Hello Fribourg"
entryFr := KVEntryString{&keyFr, &valFr}
// Second entry
keyBe := []string{"Switzerland", "Bern"} // key composite
valBe := "Hello Bern"
entryBe := KVEntryString{&keyBe, &valBe}
If we want to fetch now the associated value, then we do the following:
//search for bern
emptyEntry := KVEntryString{&([]string{"Switzerland", "Bern"}), nil}
found := tree.PointSearch(emptyEntry)
if found != nil {
AssertEqual(t, *found.item.value, valBe)
t.Log(*found.item.value) // will print "Hello Bern"
} else {
t.Errorf("Expected found = %T, Actual == %T", found, nil)
The comparison function is basically the heart of this data structure. We provide a CompareOrdered()
function which compares Integers
, Floats
and ~string
This is the built in comparison function. Your comparison function should behave, in regards to the return value, the same. This means, you should return a pair of (equal bool, quad int)
where equal
is true
iff a
and b
are the same. It's good practice to return for quad
a value like -1
and b
are not the same, then equal
should be false
and your quad
should be the integer from 0 to b
) lies in.
// CompareOrdered compares vectors with values that are part of the constraints.Ordered type, i.e. int, float, string.
func CompareOrdered[T constraints.Ordered](a, b []T) (equal bool, quad int) {
if reflect.DeepEqual(a, b) {
return true, -1
quad = 0
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if b[i] >= a[i] {
quad += 0b1 << i
return false, quad