The Python-Elasticsearch lab at provides a basic introduction into using Python to index data from into Elasticsearch.
This project takes that demonstration a few more steps. The objective is to learn more about Elasticsearch mappings, search, and analytics.
- Elasticsearch >= 2.4
- Python 2.7, with pip and virtualenv
- docker
The template will allow for correct mappings when indexing the sw data.
$ curl -XPUT http://elasticsearch:9200/_template/sw_template -d@template.json
$ git clone
$ virturalenv swesenv
$ source swesenv/bin/activate
$ cd elastic_sw_indexer
(swesenv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit the file to point to your elastic instance.
Run the indexer. This will add 6 indexes to Elasticsearch for the sw data: sw_people, sw_planets, sw_starships, sw_films, sw_vehicles, sw_species.
(swesenv)$ python
- From a browser, check
You should see 7 json files for the films.
The indexer script has modified some of the json. It has denormalized the relationship values. This is because Elasticsearch lacks join capabilities like SQL. It is necessary to generate good visualizations with readable values instead of keys.
- From a browser, test a few queries*/_search?q=space&pretty
The _all field is enabled (, so this query has higher relevance for the "shortest" json containing the word space as a value of one of its fields.
Kibi has a community version to enable joins between dashboards. This will allow selections on one dashboard to filter records on another.
You will need to first install the siren-join plugin into your elasticsearch. See instructions here:
Then run kibi using docker. You can find instructions here:
For example:
$ docker run --name -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elasticsearch:9200 -p 5606:5606 -d sirensolutions/kibi-community-standalone:4.6.4-4
Once kibi is running, try importing the included visualizations and dashboard. In Kibi -> settings -> objects, import the export.json file.
Explore using Sirenjoin to perform joins