Base Docker images for Hyperledger.
Make sure that docker runs with options
--api-cors-header="*" -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock does this on Redhat/Mageia systems
If you want to build the image locally rather than download the dockerhub image
./ or ./
Run test items
./ scripts/ ./ scripts/ ./fabric-rest.js json/method.chaincode.json json/example02-deploy.json ./fabric-rest.js json/method.chaincode.json json/example02-invoke.json ./fabric-rest.js json/method.chaincode.json json/example02-query.json
For more information about this image and its history, please see the relevant manifest file in the joequant/hyperledger
GitHub repo.
The docker image is auto built at
Install hyperledger and build the fabric as peer
fabric-rest.js json/chain.method