Releases: joesdu/EasilyNET
Releases · joesdu/EasilyNET
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Http from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 by @dependabot in #692
- dump: Serilog.AspNetCore 8.0.3 -> 9.0.0-dev-02301 by @joesdu in #693
- Update by @joesdu in #694
- Update by @joesdu in #695
- build(deps): bump Spectre.Console.Json from 0.49.2-preview.0.67 to 0.49.2-preview.0.68 by @dependabot in #696
- Dev by @joesdu in #697
- fix: 修复当指定AsType的时候指定ServiceKey无效的问题. by @joesdu in #698
- feat: 优化调整扩展函数名称空间,便于直接使用而不using by @joesdu in #699
Full Changelog: 3.24.1126.231...3.24.1202.150
What's Changed
- feat: 移除ExpressionMapper,性能并不是很好,推荐使用手动赋值 by @joesdu in #674
- feat: 添加一些AOT相关的提示,便于使用者进行判断. by @joesdu in #675
- feat: 移除掉基于指针的反转字符串,会使所有使用地方的字符串都被反转 by @joesdu in #676
- feat: 优化部分接口的使用说明,友好提示 by @joesdu in #677
- feat: rabbitmq库的一些优化和配置调整. by @joesdu in #678
- fix: 修复和优化rabbitmq重连算法,之前的算法无法发起重连 by @joesdu in #679
- feat: upgrade packages by @joesdu in #680
- feat: format code by @joesdu in #681
- fix: 反射调整回DependencyContext方式,在WPF项目中存在一些问题,导致扫描程序集不完全. by @joesdu in #682
- feat: 同步团队共享配置. by @joesdu in #683
- build(deps): bump Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 by @dependabot in #684
- build(deps): bump Swashbuckle.AspNetCore from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 by @dependabot in #685
- build(deps): bump Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 by @dependabot in #686
- fix: 添加反射时排除的程序集,修复反射排除项错误判断. by @joesdu in #687
- feat: 调整回仅使用DependencyContext,优化AllTypes获取方式. by @joesdu in #688
- feat: 服务注册支持通过提供注册类型直接添加服务.若是实现类不是注册类型的派生类则会跳过注册 by @joesdu in #690
- feat: 优化程序集加载 by @joesdu in #691
Full Changelog: 3.24.1121.183...3.24.1126.231
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump Spectre.Console.Json from 0.49.2-preview.0.52 to 0.49.2-preview.0.53 by @dependabot in #672
- feat: 重构优化模块化,性能,以及异步化服务注册,可在服务初始化时采用异步版本. by @joesdu in #673
Full Changelog: 3.24.1120.183...3.24.1121.155
What's Changed
- 🔥 remove unused code by @joesdu in #667
- feat: 模块化依赖注入性能优化 by @joesdu in #668
- build(deps): bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.1 to 17.12.0 by @dependabot in #669
- build(deps): bump Spectre.Console.Json from 0.49.2-preview.0.51 to 0.49.2-preview.0.52 by @dependabot in #670
- feat: 优化反射性能 x10 ↑ by @joesdu in #671
Full Changelog: 3.24.1119.31...3.24.1120.183
What's Changed
- docs: 调整文档,添加示例连接. by @joesdu in #657
- add OutOfProcess in IIS by @joesdu in #658
- feat: upgrade package by @joesdu in #659
- feat: 添加IsGreaterThan扩展,用于判断一个浮点数是否大于另一个浮点数. by @joesdu in #661
- build(deps): bump BouncyCastle.Cryptography from 2.5.0-beta.105 to 2.5.0-beta.152 by @dependabot in #660
- fix: NoWarn CS0436 from Backport.System.Threading.Lock by @joesdu in #662
- feat: 调整说明 by @joesdu in #663
- fix: 修复多次加载模块的问题. by @joesdu in #664
- fix: 优化依赖注入性能. by @joesdu in #665
- feat: format code by @joesdu in #666
Full Changelog: 3.24.1115.143...3.24.1119.31
What's Changed
- feat: 移除桌面程序例子,设置CI/CD为Ubuntu by @joesdu in #645
- Revert LangVersion to preview to restore Rider's usability;Remove the distributed lock implementation of MongoDB by @joesdu in #646
- feat: 根据IDE提示调整yml端口配置. by @joesdu in #647
- fix: 调整文件编码到UTF-8 by @joesdu in #648
- feat: format code by @joesdu in #649
- feat: 添加editorconfig by @joesdu in #650
- feat: 将editorconfig从解决方案中移除,避免使用VS或者别的IDE打开造成内容被复写. by @joesdu in #651
- build(deps): bump Spectre.Console.Json from 0.49.2-preview.0.47 to 0.49.2-preview.0.50 by @dependabot in #652
- fix: 调整docker的配置,使MongoDB可以通过不带&directConnection=true参数进行连接访问. by @joesdu in #653
- feat: format code by @joesdu in #654
- 优化一些算法以及删除PinYin by @joesdu in #655
- feat: 新增简单的事件发布聚合器类似WPF中的IMessenger by @joesdu in #656
Full Changelog: 3.24.1113.100...3.24.1115.143
What's Changed
- feat: 优化和改善代码,删除无意义代码. by @joesdu in #641
- feat: up .net 9 by @joesdu in #642
- fix: 配置release版本不编译桌面程序. by @joesdu in #644
- Update Backport.System.Threading.Lock; Revert LangVersion to latest by @MarkCiliaVincenti in #643
Full Changelog: 3.24.1112.125...3.24.1113.100
What's Changed
- feat: 更新garnet配置为微软官方镜像 by @joesdu in #624
- feat: 移除不必要的预编译指令 by @joesdu in #625
- fix: 调整文本文件到UTF-8,移除UTF-8 BOM,修复部分乱码 by @joesdu in #626
- feat: 调整Swagger相关特性到Core便于在发布版本中排除掉相关包,减少程序大小 by @joesdu in #628
- feat: 优化garnet的使用,直接注册IDatabase,因为garnet只有0数据库,免去再注入后再次GetDatabase by @joesdu in #629
- feat: 添加WPF测试项目进来, .NET8会产生一个错误.回去了再研究.先下班. by @joesdu in #630
- fix: 修复.NET8中非控制台程序加载Core程序集时,TextWriterExtensions抛出异常 by @joesdu in #632
- fix: format xaml code by @joesdu in #633
- fix: 调整CI/CD构建流程运行环境为Windows,WPF程序在Ubuntu中无法通过编译. by @joesdu in #634
Full Changelog: 3.24.1105.111...3.24.1107.114