Plugin to display your Gravatar avatar in the sidebar of your Octopress site.
Live example at http://www.joet3ch.com and http://www.rayfaddis.com
Copy 'gravatar.html' to your '_includes/custom/asides' directory.
Copy 'gravatar.rb' to your 'plugins' directory.
Update your '_config.yml' file to include a 'gravatar_email' variable. Example below which is also in the provided _config.yml file:
# Gravatar gravatar_email: youraddress@example.com
Add 'gravatar.html' to your default_asides variable in the '_config.yml' settings file. Example:
default_asides: [custom/asides/gravatar.html, custom/asides/about.html, asides/twitter.html, asides/recent_posts.html]
##Customize Image Size:
You can customize the size of the image in the gravatar.html file:
<img src="{% gravatar_image 200 %}" alt="Gravatar of {{ site.author}} " title="Gravatar of {{ site.author }}" />