This is a simple API wrapper for Bull that lets you get the results of running specific jobs.
After a bit of searching I couldn't find a simple example of doing a job with Bull and getting the results without building a separate messsage queue and mapping job results to job creators. This library's goal is to provide a simple tool that allows returning the result of a specific job to the function that created the job. You are responsible for setting up job processors and configuring Bull. This only exposes a contructor for a Class that has one method doJob
The only dependancy is Bull
server.js: webserver that waits for clients to request a spreadsheet
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000
const Bullrack = require('bullrack');
const jobQueue = new Bullrack({
// optionally pass redis config to the Bull this lib uses internally
redisOptions: {port: 6379, host: '', password: 'foobared'},
// this should match whatever queue you have setup to process these jobs
queueName: 'worker queue'
app.get('/', async (req, res, next) => {
const spreadsheetUrl = await jobQueue.doJob('build-sheet', {
headers: ['name', 'email', 'phone']
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`))
worker.js: A job worker that builds spreadsheets based on a per request basis
const queue = new Bull('worker queue', {
redis: {port: 6379, host: '', password: 'foobared'}
// Work around issue
queue.isReady().catch(err => {
console.error('Cannot establish connection to Redis during startup, exiting...')
// Setup your Bull processors however you like...
queue.process('build-sheet', function (job, done) {
const headers =;
// Your function that handles building the clients requested spreadsheet
buildSheet(headers, done);
// You can add as many job processors to this queue as you see fit
queue.process('build-pdf', function (job, done) {
const pdfParams =;
// Your function that handles building the clients requested PDF
buildPdf(pdfParams, done);
Please feel free to contribute or request changes