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Johan van den Dorpe edited this page Feb 28, 2015 · 4 revisions


Setup your machine to run tests

All the required dependencies can be installed by bundler. Install the bundler gem with gem install bundler and then install the rest of the gems with bundler install

Static Analysis

All static analysis can be run with rake test. Any push to the repo will cause a Travis CI build job to run all static analysis.


All code must conform to the Puppet Style Guide. Tests are performed using puppet-lint. To run the lint tests only, use rake lint

Syntax checks

Syntax checks are performed using puppet-syntax. To run syntax tests only, use rake syntax

Spec tests

Internal logic of the module should have test coverage, using puppet-rspec tests. These can be run with rake spec

Integration tests

Integration tests can be run with test-kitchen and librarian-puppet. This builds vagrant machines for all the supported platforms specified in .kitchen.yml and tries to apply the puppet module and dependencies as defined in manifests/test_site.pp. Afterwards, it runs the serverspec tests in test/integration/default/serverspec/redmine_spec.rb to confirm redmine is running.

To run the tests, you need to be running ruby 1.9.3 or later. To run the integration steps you can do the following:

  • kitchen create to build all the required vagrant VMs
  • kitchen converge to apply the puppet module on the VMs
  • kitchen verify to run the test suite and validate the redmine install
  • kitchen destroy to shut down and remove all the VMs

When debugging a problem, you can make a change and then run kitchen converge and kitchen validate to check your changes. You can see the current state of all the VMs by running kitchen list. If you need to inspect a VM, use kitchen login <instance>.

Integration tests are meant for local testing, and aren't automated at present.

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