Classic demo effects using software rendering
To build the demo programs, you must first install the following tools:
$ sudo zypper install ninja gcc-c++ libSDL2-devel
$ sudo apt install ninja-build g++ libsdl2-dev
Manually download and install MSYS2.
Run View advanced system settings
from the Start menu and add a PATH to C:\msys64\mingw64\bin
from the Start menu. Update the package database and base packages with pacman -Syu
from the Start menu again. Update the rest of the base packages with pacman -Syu
Install the development tools with pacman -S git mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-ninja mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2
Close the MSYS2 MSYS
window and run MSYS MinGW 64-bit
from the Start menu.
Clone the git repository with git clone
Finally, to be able to build the demos on Windows, edit the file
and uncomment the line # command = $cc $in $windows -o $out..
To build the demo programs, run:
$ ninja
A build
directory will be created, containing the demo programs.
Usage: demo [OPTION]...
-h, --help Display this text and exit
-w, --window Render in a window
--fullwindow Render in a fullscreen window
-f, --fullscreen Render in fullscreen
-v, --vsync Enable sync to vertical refresh
--novsync Disable sync to vertical refresh
-l, --linear Render using linear filtering
--nolinear Render using nearest pixel sampling
-c, --showcursor Show mouse cursor
--nocursor Hide mouse cursor
--showfps Show frame rate in window title
--nofps Hide frame rate
--capfps=VALUE Limit frame rate to the specified VALUE
Licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
- Johan Gardhage