This is the 11th release of ebusd 3 and the 20th (="T", therefor Tangerine) since ebusd was completely reworked.
The major new features are the high speed serial mode for the enhanced protocol, further options for MQTT integration, as well as some fixes.
See ChangeLog and Wiki for details.
Not part of this release yet but probably the next one is the support for KNX integration.
Along with this release the config web service data was also updated after merging some contributions, see here.
Debian 11 (Bullseye), 10 (Buster), and 9 (Stretch) install packages for amd64, 386, armv7 (Raspberry Pi 2/3/4), and arm64 (Raspberry Pi 3/4 64 bit) are attached and will also be made available soon in the Debian repository as described here.
Variants of each binary with MQTT support have an additional "mqtt1" (for libmosquitto1) suffix in the name. Those without MQTT support don't have such a suffix.
For Arch Linux, simply run makepkg
in the contrib/archlinux/ebusd/
For Alpine Linux, run apk --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community add ebusd
The latest release is also available as multi-architecture Docker image on the hub with tag ebusd:latest.