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Setting up MDT for Imaging and Deployment

Table of Contents

Version 1.6

Revision History

Date Revision # Editor Description of Change
12/07/2021 v1.0 John Fogarty Initial Revision
12/17/2021 v1.1 John Fogarty Additional Documentation
12/23/2021 v1.2 John Fogarty Expanded Deployment Workbench steps
12/29/2021 v1.3 John Fogarty Expanded DFS Steps and appendix
12/29/2021 v1.3a John Fogarty Removed home mdt section, should be no different than dfs-r site
01/03/2022 v1.4 John Fogarty Finalized DFS-R settings, script and comments
01/05/2022 v1.5 John Fogarty added -force to set-dfsrmembership command to eliminate prompt, remove extra lii-deploy share creation in lab setup
05/22/2022 v1.6 John Fogarty changed dfs group and adjusted documentation for new mdt infrastructure.

Overall Architecture

Multisite MDT is made up of 3 distinct types of deployment servers.

  1. The DFS primary deployment share
  2. The DFS read only deployment share
  3. The Lab deployment share

You can see in the diagram below how these pieces flow together to keep all MDT sites up to date.


Configuration of MDT

DFS primary deployment share

All files will live on the primary deployment share. The DFS primary server is tr2wcinfmdt03, this is also the server where all MDT clients will report their status for monitoring. You must make sure that the d:\mdt\lii-deploy\control\bootstrap.ini and d:\mdt\lii-deploy\control\customsettings.ini file both contain the gateway to site mapping as well as the deployment root for the site. This is how we can keep everything centrally maintained, and is critical to the process.

Setup DFS and Deployment Share

Once the server is online, configure DFS and the deployment share.

Install the following items.

Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-DFS-Replication -IncludeManagementTools
$DeploymentShareNTFS = "d:\mdt\lii-deploy"
new-smbshare -Name "lii-deploy$" -path $DeploymentShareNTFS -ChangeAccess "Everyone" -FullAccess "Administrators"
icacls $DeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"Users":(OI)(CI)(RX)'
icacls $DeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"Administrators":(OI)(CI)(F)'
icacls $DeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"SYSTEM":(OI)(CI)(F)'
$domain = ''
New-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -DomainName $domain -Description 'Replication Group for lii-deploy shares' 
Add-DfsrMember -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -ComputerName tr2wcinfmdt03
new-dfsreplicatedfolder -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -FolderName lii-deploy -Domain $domain -dfsnpath \\$domain\lii-deploy
set-dfsrmembership -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -FolderName lii-deploy -ComputerName tr2wcinfmdt03 -Contentpath $DeploymentShareNTFS -primarymember $true -StagingPathQuotaInMB 51200000

Deployment Workbench

  1. Launch Deployment Workbench
  2. Right click on Deployment Shares and choose open Deployment Share
  3. Choose d:\mdt\lii-deploy
  4. Click Next
  5. Click Finish
  6. Right click the share and choose properties
  7. Update the Network UNC path with your server name.
  8. Click the rules tab, and then click Edit Bootstrap.ini
  9. Update DeployRoot value
  10. Close and Save file
  11. Click Ok
  12. Right click the share and choose update Deployment share
  13. Click Next
  14. Click Next
  15. Click Finish

Windows Deployment Services

Once the image build is complete, run the powershell (as admin) below to install and configure WDS.

Install-WindowsFeature wds-deployment -includemanagementtools
wdsutil /initialize-server /remInst:"d:\RemoteInstall"
wdsutil /Set-Server /AnswerClients:All 
Import-WdsBootImage -Path D:\mdt\lii-deploy\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim -NewImageName "lii-deploy" -NewDescription "LII Deployment Share" -DisplayOrder "10"

Whenever there is an update to the boot image, you must first remove the boot image, and then import the boot image.

remove-wdsbootimage -ImageName "lii-deploy" -Architecture 3
Import-WdsBootImage -Path D:\mdt\lii-deploy\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim -NewImageName "lii-deploy" -NewDescription "LII Deployment Share" -DisplayOrder "10"

DFS read-only deployment shares

Deployment shares will live on DFS-R replicas of the primary share, and will only have WDS installed locally for PXE Boot. The server should be Windows 2022, 8gb RAM, 300GB C: and 500GB D:.

Setup DFS-R and Deployment Share downstream server

Once the server is online, configure DFS and the deployment share.

mkdir d:\mdt
mkdir d:\mdt\lii-deploy
Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-DFS-Replication -IncludeManagementTools
$DeploymentShareNTFS = "d:\mdt\lii-deploy"
new-smbshare -Name "lii-deploy$" -path $DeploymentShareNTFS -ChangeAccess "Everyone" -FullAccess "Administrators"
add-dfsrmember -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -ComputerName $env:computername
set-dfsrmembership -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -FolderName lii-deploy -ComputerName $env:computername -Contentpath d:\mdt\lii-deploy -StagingPathQuotaInMB 51200000 -readonly $true -force
Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -SourceComputerName tr2wcinfmdt03 -DestinationComputerName $env:computername
$tr2hash = get-dfsrfilehash \\tr2wcinfmdt03\d$\mdt\lii-deploy
write-host 'sleeping for 10 minutes'
Start-Sleep -s 600
Do {
    $newhash = get-dfsrfilehash d:\mdt\lii-deploy ; write-host 'still waiting sleeping for another minute' ; start-sleep 60
Until ($tr2hash.filehash -eq $newhash.filehash)

Windows Deployment Services

Once the replication is complete, run the powershell (as admin) below to install and configure WDS.

Install-WindowsFeature wds-deployment -includemanagementtools
restart-computer -force

Post reboot

wdsutil /initialize-server /remInst:"d:\RemoteInstall"
wdsutil /Set-Server /AnswerClients:All 
Import-WdsBootImage -Path D:\mdt\lii-deploy\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim -NewImageName "lii-deploy" -NewDescription "LII Deployment Share" -DisplayOrder "10"

Whenever there is an update to the boot image, you must first remove the boot image, and then import the boot image.

remove-wdsbootimage -ImageName "lii-deploy" -Architecture 3
Import-WdsBootImage -Path D:\mdt\lii-deploy\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim -NewImageName "lii-deploy" -NewDescription "LII Deployment Share" -DisplayOrder "10"


The lab setup is the most important part of MDT. You will build your images in the lab, and test your deployments in the lab before rolling them out to the DFS primary deployment share.

There are two ways to run the lab. Either as a dedicated MDT server with multiple deployment shares, and a hyper-v node for client machines, or run the entire thing in Hyper-V. This document will cover the entire process existing in Hyper-V, you will need to make some changes if that is not the way you approach the lab.

Execute the script below, this will create an MDT server, as well as 6 client VMs for various Windows installs. This assumes your C: drive is where your space is located. If that is not the case, please update the $VMLOC variable.

Hyper-V Lab creation script

#Path of the VM HDD file stored
$VMLOC = "c:\hyper-v"

#Name of virtual switch which will be used in the VMs
$VMNet = "Default Switch"

#Create the VM's
write-host "MDT Server"
$VM = "labwcinfmdt00"
New-VM -Name $VM -Generation 2 -SwitchName $VMNet
New-VHD -Path "$VMLOC\$VM\$vm.vhdx" -Dynamic -SizeBytes 256GB
ADD-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $vm -Path "$VMLOC\$VM\$vm.vhdx"
New-VHD -Path "$VMLOC\$VM\$vm-1.vhdx" -Dynamic -SizeBytes 512GB
ADD-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $vm -Path "$VMLOC\$VM\$vm-1.vhdx"
Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $vm 
Set-VM $VM -MemoryStartupBytes 8GB -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $false

write-host "MDT client vms"
$VMName = 'WIN10-21H2-A','WIN10-21H2-B','WIN10-LTSC21-A','WIN10-LTSC21-B','WIN11-21H2-A','WIN11-21H2-B'
Foreach($vm in $VMName) { 
    New-VM -Name $VM -Generation 2 -SwitchName $VMNet
    New-VHD -Path "$VMLOC\$VM\$vm.vhdx" -Dynamic -SizeBytes 256GB
    ADD-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $vm -Path "$VMLOC\$VM\$vm.vhdx"
    Set-VM $VM -MemoryStartupBytes 2GB -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $false
    Set-VMFirmware -VMName $vm -FirstBootDevice ((Get-VMFirmware -VMName $vm).BootOrder | Where-Object Device -like *Network*).Device
    Checkpoint-VM -Name $vm -SnapshotName BeforeInstall

After the script has finished, mount your Windows 2019 DVD to the MDT server and boot it. Install a 2019 server with desktop experience. Once that is complete, install the following items.

Install-WindowsFeature wds-deployment -includemanagementtools

Lets create your DFS Read Replica of the deployment share. TBD

mkdir d:\mdt
mkdir d:\mdt\lii-deploy
Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-DFS-Replication -IncludeManagementTools
$DeploymentShareNTFS = "d:\mdt\lii-deploy"
new-smbshare -Name "lii-deploy$" -path $DeploymentShareNTFS -ChangeAccess "Everyone" -FullAccess "Administrators"
add-dfsrmember -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -ComputerName $env:computername
set-dfsrmembership -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -FolderName lii-deploy -ComputerName $env:computername -Contentpath d:\mdt\lii-deploy -StagingPathQuotaInMB 51200000 -readonly $true -force
Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName lii-mdt-deploy -SourceComputerName tr2wcinfmdt03 -DestinationComputerName $env:computername
$tr2hash = get-dfsrfilehash \\tr2wcinfmdt03\d$\mdt\lii-deploy
write-host 'sleeping for 10 minutes'
Start-Sleep -s 600
Do {
    $newhash = get-dfsrfilehash d:\mdt\lii-deploy ; write-host 'still waiting sleeping for another minute' ; start-sleep 60
Until ($tr2hash.filehash -eq $newhash.filehash)

Once replication is complete, lets create your lii-image share.

robocopy d:\mdt\lii-deploy d:\mdt\lii-image /mir /r:2 /w:1
$ImageDeploymentShareNTFS = "d:\mdt\lii-image"
new-smbshare -Name "lii-image$" -path $ImageDeploymentShareNTFS -ChangeAccess "Everyone" -FullAccess "Administrators"
icacls $ImageDeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"Users":(OI)(CI)(RX)'
icacls $ImageDeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"Administrators":(OI)(CI)(F)'
icacls $ImageDeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"SYSTEM":(OI)(CI)(F)'
icacls "$ImageDeploymentShareNTFS\Captures" /grant '"Administrators":(OI)(CI)(M)'

Deployment Workbench

  1. Launch Deployment Workbench
  2. Right click on Deployment Shares and choose open Deployment Share
  3. Choose d:\mdt\lii-deploy
  4. Click Next
  5. Click Finish
  6. Right click the share and choose properties
  7. Update the Network UNC path with your server name.
  8. Click the rules tab, and then click Edit Bootstrap.ini
  9. Update DeployRoot value
  10. Close and Save file
  11. Click Ok
  12. Right click the share and choose update Deployment share
  13. Click Next
  14. Click Next
  15. Click Finish

In the Image share, import any new OS from DVD that you need to capture an image from "d:\mdt\source\Operating Systems"

Windows Deployment Services

Once you have a working image in your Boot folder for either Deploy or Image we need to add the images to the Windows Deployment Service.

wdsutil /initialize-server /remInst:"d:\RemoteInstall"
wdsutil /Set-Server /AnswerClients:All 
Import-WdsBootImage -Path D:\mdt\lii-deploy\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim -NewImageName "lii-deploy" -NewDescription "LII Deployment Share" -DisplayOrder "10"
Import-WdsBootImage -Path D:\mdt\lii-image\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim -NewImageName "lii-image" -NewDescription "LII Image Share" -DisplayOrder "1000"

Whenever there is an update to the boot image, you must first remove the boot image, and then import the boot image.

remove-wdsbootimage -ImageName "lii-deploy" -Architecture 3
Import-WdsBootImage -Path D:\mdt\lii-deploy\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim -NewImageName "lii-deploy" -NewDescription "LII Deployment Share" -DisplayOrder "10"

Lab sync

Once you have finished doing your changes that were required in the LAB, you can replicate to the main DFS share via robocopy, replace TEST001 with whatever tasklist you are currently testing.

robocopy d:\mdt\lii-image \\tr2wcinfmdt03\lii-deploy$ /mir /r:2 /w:1 /xf Bootstrap.ini CustomSettings.ini Audit.log settings.xml /xd DfsrPrivate Boot TEST001


List of MDT Servers

Name Status Notes
12/07/2021 v1.0 John Fogarty
tr2wcinfmdt03 online new 2022 design
TWMWCINFMDT02 online new 2022 design
AIRWCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 airport road
AJSWCINFMDT00 online ayush remote - will be a DFS-R point in the future
DC3WCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 DC3
FTEWCINFMDT01 online legacy 2012 Fort Erie
HSNWCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 Houston
JAFWCINFMDT00 online John remote - will be a DFS-R point in the future
JUAWCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 Juarez
MEXWCINFMDT00 online why is there two?
MEXWCINFMDT02 online why is there two?
MTAWCINFMDT01 online legacy 2012 McGill Montreal
MTLWCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 CDL Montreal
POLWCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 Poland
STEWCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 Sterling
TAYWCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 Taylor
TR2WCINFMDT00 online legacy 2012 TR2
CHIWCINFMDT01 offline legacy 2012 Chicago, closed office
ITAWCINFMDT00 offline legacy 2012 Itasca, should be online?
MA1WCINFMDT00 offline where is this?
MSSWCINFMDT01 offline where is this?
REMWCINFMDT00 offline was it returned with netgate?
REMWCINFMDT01 offline was it returned with netgate?
REMWCINFMDTBM offline was it returned with netgate?
REMWCINFMDTJV offline was it returned with netgate?
REMWCINFMDTMS offline was it returned with netgate?
TONWCINFMDT00 offline legacy 2012 Tonowanda, should be online?


Re-Configure NTFS Permissions for the MDT Build Lab deployment share if needed

$DeploymentShareNTFS = "d:\mdt\lii-deploy"
icacls $DeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"Users":(OI)(CI)(RX)'
icacls $DeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"Administrators":(OI)(CI)(F)'
icacls $DeploymentShareNTFS /grant '"SYSTEM":(OI)(CI)(F)'
icacls "$DeploymentShareNTFS\Captures" /grant '"Administrators":(OI)(CI)(M)'

## Configure Sharing Permissions for the MDT Build Lab deployment share
$DeploymentShare = "lii-Deploy$"
Grant-SmbShareAccess -Name $DeploymentShare -AccountName "EVERYONE" -AccessRight Change -Force
Revoke-SmbShareAccess -Name $DeploymentShare -AccountName "CREATOR OWNER" -Force

Reference Links

Here are all the links I used as reference material as I reverse engineered the previous MDT build as well as planning for a multi-site easily supportable MDT design going forward.

Windows 10 Deployment with MDT
Distributed MDT
Configure MDT
Hyper-V Lab Setup
MDT Drivers
Office 365 as part of an image


Notes for MDT






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