This is a sample API built with NodeJS, HapiJS, LevelDB, Swaggerui to demonstrate the ease and rapid prototyping abilities of HapiJS and LevelDB. It will also offer a boilerplate app for anyone looking to build an application with this technology stack. Data will be persisted in LevelDB between each run of the server.
This is an open sample, if you would like to see this project cover a specific area e.g. views, caching, different auth schemes, open an issue and I will try cover it. I aim to practice OPEN open source on this project, meaning individuals making significant or valuable contributions will be given commit access.
Feel free to raise an issue or contact me on twitter if you have any questions @johnbrett_. Beginners, feature requests and bug reports are welcomed.
Please star if you using this module so I know where to focus my time spent on open source work.
To build and run:
$ git clone
$ cd hapi-level-sample
$ npm install
$ node index.js
You can then view the API documentation generated by Swaggerui by visiting: http://localhost:8080/documentation
If you want to sample authentication for the api, run with:
$ AUTH=required node index.js
Authentication is disabled for the create user route, so you can create a user with an access token of your choosing to specify when querying the other routes.
Node Modules created in the making of this project
hapi-level : Utility module to ease integration of Hapi and LevelDB
hapi-auth-bearer-token : Authorization module for HapiJS based on the Bearer authentication scheme.
calibrate : DRY to create consistent responses, with error handling