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Running the Distributed Test Harness

Install the harness on your 'Test Driver'

How to install the test harness on your workstation:

Pre-requisites: Ruby 1.8.7+


git clone
bundle install


git clone
gem install rubygems net-ssh net-scp systemu

Configure Systems Under Test

Running Systest requires at least one 'System Under Test' (SUT) upon which to run tests.

System Under Test

  • SUT may be physical, virtual; local or remote.
  • The SUT will need a properly configured network and DNS or hosts file.
  • On the SUT, you must configure pass through ssh auth for the root user.
  • The SUT must have the "ntpdate" binary installed
  • The SUT must have the "curl" binary installed
  • On Windows, Cygwin must be installed (with curl, sshd, bash) and the necessary windows gems (sys-admin, win32-dir, etc).
  • FOSS install: you must have git, ruby, rdoc installed on your SUT.
  • PE install: PE will install git, ruby, rdoc.

Prepare a Test Configuration File

  • The test harness is configuration driven
  • The config file is yaml formatted
  • The type of insallation and configuration is dictated by the config file, especialy for PE

Here we have the host 'ubuntu-1004-64', a 64 bit Ubuntu box, serving as Puppet Master, Dashboard, and Agent; the host "ubuntu-1004-32", a 32-bit Ubunutu node, will be a Puppet Agent only. The Dashboard will be configured to run HTTPS on port 443.

      - master
      - agent
      - dashboard
    platform: ubuntu-10.04-amd64
    hypervisor: fusion
    snapshot: clean
      - agent
    platform: ubuntu-10.04-i386
    hypervisor: fusion
    snaphost: clean
  consoleport: 443

You can setup a very different test scenario by simply re-arranging the "roles":

      - dashboard
      - agent
    platform: ubuntu-10.04-amd64
    hypervisor: fusion
    snapshot: clean
      - master
      - agent
    platform: ubuntu-10.04-i386
    hypervisor: fusion
    snapshot: clean
  consoleport: 443

In this case, the host 'ubuntu-1004-32' is now the Puppet Master, while 'ubuntu-1004-64' is the Puppet Dashboard host, resulting in a split Master/Dashboard install. Systest will automagically prepare an appropriate answers file for use with the PE Installer.


Systest has built in capabilites for managing VMs and provisioning SUTs:

  • VMWare vSphere via the RbVmomi gem
  • VMWare Fusion via the Fission gem
  • EC2 via blimpy
  • Solaris zones via SSHing to the global zone
  • Vagrant

You may mix and match hypervisors as needed. Hypervisors and snapshot names are defined per-host in the node configuration file. Default behavior for Vagrant, vSphere and EC2 is to powerdown/terminate test instances on a successful run. This can be altered with the --preserve-hosts option. --provision indicates that you want to provision and revert VMs to snapshot before test execution, defaults to true. Use --no-provision to skip provisioning and reverting before test execution.

For example:

$ cat configs/my_hosts.yml
    - master
    - agent
  platform: ubuntu-10.04-i386
  hypervisor: fusion
  snapshot: foss
  provision: false
    - agent
  platform: ubuntu-10.04-i386
  hypervisor: vsphere
  snaphost: base

$ ./systest.rb --config configs/my_hosts.yml  ....

VMWare Fusion support

Pre-requisite: Fission gem installed and configured, including a ~/.fissionrc that points to the vmrun executable and where VMs can be found. Example .fissionrc file (it's YAML): --- vm_dir: "/Directory/containing/my/.VMX/files" vmrun_bin: "/Applications/VMware"

You can then use the following arguments in the node configuration:

  • hypervisor: fusion tells us to enable this feature for this host. This is required.
  • snapshot: <name>, where is the snapshot name to revert to. This is required.

We'll try and match up the hostname with a VM of the same name. Note that the VM is expected to be pre-configured for running acceptance tests; it should have all the right prerequisite libraries, password-less SSH access for root, etc.

There are a few additional options available in your configuration file. Each host section can now use:

  • vmname: This is useful if the hostname of the VM doesn't match the name of the .VMX file on disk. The alias should be something fission can load.


      - master
      - agent
    platform: debian-6-i386
    vmname: super-awesome-vm-name
    hypervisor: fusion
    snapshot: acceptance-testing-5


When using hypervisor fusion, we'll log all the available VM names and for each host we'll log all the available snapshot names.

EC2 Support

Pre-requisite: Blimpy gem installed and .fog file correctly configured with your credentials.

hypervisor: blimpy

Currently, there is limited support EC2 nodes; we are adding support for new platforms shortly.

AMIs are built for PE based installs on:

  • Enterprize Linux 6, 64 and 32 bit
  • Enterprize Linux 5, 32 bit
  • Ubuntu 10.04, 32 bit

Systest will automagically provision EC2 nodes, provided the 'platform:' section of your config file lists a supported platform type: ubuntu-10.04-i386, el-6-x86_64, el-6-i386, el-5-i386.

Solaris Support

Used with hypervisor: solaris, the harness can connect to a Solaris host via SSH and revert zone snapshots.

Example .fog file:

  :solaris_hypervisor_username: harness
  :solaris_hypervisor_keyfile: /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa-harness
  :solaris_hypervisor_vmpath: rpool/zoneds
    - rpool/ROOT/solaris

vSphere Support

The harness can use vms and snapshots that live within vSphere as well. To do this create a ~/.fog file with your vSphere credentials:


  :vsphere_server: ''
  :vsphere_username: 'joe'
  :vsphere_password: 'MyP@$$w0rd'

These follow the conventions used by Cloud Provisioner and Fog.

There are two possible hypervisor hypervisor-types to use for vSphere testing, vsphere and vcloud.

hypervisor: vsphere

This option locates an existing static VM, optionally reverts it to a pre-existing snapshot, and runs tests on it.

hypervisor: vcloud

This option clones a new VM from a pre-existing template, runs tests on the newly-provisioned clone, then deletes the clone once testing completes.

The vcloud option requires a slightly-modified test configuration file, specifying both the target template as well as three additional parameters in the 'CONFIG' section ('datastore', 'resourcepool', and 'folder').

      - master
      - agent
      - dashboard
    platform: ubuntu-10.04-amd64
    template: ubuntu-1004-x86_64
    hypervisor: vcloud
      - agent
    platform: ubuntu-10.04-i386
    template: ubuntu-1004-i386
    hypervisor: vcloud
  consoleport: 443
  datastore: instance0
  resourcepool: Delivery/Quality Assurance/FOSS/Dynamic
  folder: delivery/Quality Assurance/FOSS/Dynamic

Vagrant support

The option allows for testing against local Vagrant boxes. As a prerequisite the Vagrant package (greather than 1.1) needs to installed - see for downloads.

The vm is identified by box or box_url in the config file. No snapshot name is required as the vm is reverted back to original state post testing using vagrant destroy --force.

      - master
      - agent
      - dashboard
      - cloudpro
    platform: ubuntu-10.04.4-x64
    hypervisor: vagrant
    box: ubuntu-server-10044-x64-vbox4210
  nfs_server: none
  consoleport: 443

Putting it all together

Running FOSS tests

Puppet FOSS Acceptance tests are stored in their respective Puppet repository, so you must check out the tests first, then the harness, as such:

Checkout the tests

cd puppet

Checkout the harness

git clone git://
cd puppet-acceptance
ln -s ../acceptance acceptance-tests

Run the tests

./systest.rb -c ci/ci-${platform}.cfg --type git -p origin/2.7rc -f 1.5.8 -t acceptance-tests/tests --no-color --xml --debug --pre-suite setup/git/

Running PE tests

When performing a PE install, Systest expects to find PE tarballs and a LATEST file in /opt/enterprise/dists; the LATEST file indicates the version string of the most recent tarball.

$ [topo@gigio ]$ cat /opt/enterprise/dists/LATEST 

$ [topo@gigio ]$ ls -1 /opt/enterprise/dists

You can also install from git. Use the --install option, which can install puppet along with other infrastructure. This option supports the following URI formats:

  • PATH: A full and complete path to a git repository

        --install git://
  • KEYWORD/name: The name of the branch of KEYWORD git repository. Supported keywords are PUPPET, FACTER, HIERA and HIERA-PUPPET.

        --install PUPPET/3.1.0

Checkout your tests

git clone
cd test_repo

Checkout the harness

git clone
cd puppet-acceptance

Pre-suite and Post-suite

The harness command line supports --pre-suite and --post-suite. --pre-suite describes steps to take after initial provisioning/configuring of the vms under test before the tests are run. --post-suite steps are run directly after tests.

Both options support directories, individual files and comma separated lists of directories and files. Given a directory it will look for files of the type *.rb within that directory. Steps will be run in the order they appear in on the command line. Directories of steps will be run in alphabetic order of the *.rb files within the directory.

--pre-suite setup/early/mystep.rb,setup/early/mydir    

Run the tests

./systest.rb -c your_config.cfg --type pe -t test_repo/tests --debug

Failure management

By default if a test fails the harness will move on and attempt the next test in the suite. This may be undesirable when debugging. The harness supports an optional --fail-mode to alter the default behavior on failure:

  • fast: After first failure do not test any subsequent tests in the given suite, simply run cleanup steps and then exit gracefully. This option short circuits test execution while leaving you with a clean test environment for any follow up testing.

  • stop: After first failure do not test any subsequent tests in the given suite, do not run any cleanup steps, exit immediately. This is useful while testing setup steps or if you plan to revert the test environment before every test.

Topic branches, special test repo

./systest.rb -c your_cfg.cfg --debug --type git -p 2.7.x -f 1.5.8 -t path-to-your-tests 

If you are testing on FOSS, the test for each branch can be found in the puppet repo under acceptance/tests

Special topic branch checkout with a targeted test:

./systest.rb -c your_cfg --type git -p -f 1.5.8 / 
 -t tests/acceptance/ticket_6856_manage_not_work_with_symlinks.rb

Making extensions to the harness using --load-path

You may need to extend the harness DSL (data specific language) to handle your particular test case. To run the harness with an addition to the LOAD_PATH use --load-path. You can specify a single directory or a comma separated list of directories to be added.

bundle exec ./systest.rb --debug --config ubuntu1004-32mda.cfg --tests ../puppet/acceptance/tests/resource/cron/should_allow_changing_parameters.rb  --fail fast --root-keys --type pe --load-path ../puppet/acceptance/lib/ 


This project facilitates acceptance testing of puppet.







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