A collection of front-end coffee script and erb templates showcasing work done for igniite.com. The project used angularjs 1.3 and a rails backend.
Example angular controller for the user homepage
fetching data from RESTful web service and placing on the scope
#= jquery
#= require underscore
homePageCtrl = ($scope,
userEventModelMapper) ->
# Using jQuery for data injection, possibly switch to rails rendered services
# http://spin.atomicobject.com/2013/11/22/pass-rails-data-angularjs/
userId = jQuery('[data-ng-controller="homePageCtrl"]').data('user-id')
# TODO: Error handling
invites = invitationResource.query {user_id: userId}, ->
$scope.invites = invites
$scope.$watchCollection 'invites', (invites) ->
if invites?
events = eventResource.query {'id[]': _.pluck invites, 'event_id'}, ->
$scope.events = events
$scope.$watchCollection 'events', (events) ->
if events?
places = placeResource.query {'id[]': _.pluck events, 'place_id'}, ->
$scope.places = places
# TODO: use $watchGroup when angularjs-rails supports latest version
$scope.$watch 'places', (places) ->
if places?
$scope.eventInvites = userEventModelMapper.mapMany $scope.invites, $scope.events, places
# TODO: Find a better way to export dependencies
window.igniite.homePageCtrl = homePageCtrl
Example angular directive for a user event list
users may remove events from the list by clicking a remove button
#= require underscore
#= depend_on_asset "invitations/userEventListDirective/templates/user-event-list.html"
userEventListDirectiveFactory = (constants) ->
listCrtl = ($scope) ->
$scope.isAttending = (invite) ->
invite.status is constants.ATTENDING
$scope.removeInvite = (invite) ->
invite.status = constants.NOT_ATTENDING
$scope.noAttendingInvites = ->
_.every @eventInvites, (invite) -> invite.status is constants.NOT_ATTENDING
restrict: 'E'
eventInvites: '='
controller: ['$scope', listCrtl]
# TODO: Inject template url
templateUrl: '<%= asset_path('invitations/userEventListDirective/templates/user-event-list.html') %>'
# TODO: Find a better way to export dependencies
window.igniite.userEventListDirectiveFactory = userEventListDirectiveFactory
Example angular directive for an invitation button
the button's actions are defined as methods on the $scope
#= depend_on_asset "invitations/inviteToggleDirective/templates/invite-toggle.html"
#= depend_on_asset "invitations/inviteToggleDirective/templates/confirm-modal.html"
# TODO: Inject template url
inviteTemplateUrl = '<%= asset_path('invitations/inviteToggleDirective/templates/invite-toggle.html') %>'
modalTemplateUrl = '<%= asset_path('invitations/inviteToggleDirective/templates/confirm-modal.html') %>'
inviteToggleDirectiveFactory = ($modal, constants, buttonTextProvider, invitationSaver) ->
ctrl = ($scope) ->
# initialize scope models
$scope.isAttending = ->
@invite? and @invite.status is constants.ATTENDING
# Update button text based on status
$scope.$watch 'invite.status', (status) ->
$scope.buttonText = buttonTextProvider.get status
saveStatusTo = (newStatus) =>
$scope.invite.status = newStatus
invitationSaver.save $scope.invite
confirmNotAttending = ->
$modal.open(templateUrl: modalTemplateUrl, size: 'sm')
.result.then -> saveStatusTo constants.NOT_ATTENDING
$scope.toggleStatus = ->
if @isAttending()
then confirmNotAttending()
else saveStatusTo constants.ATTENDING
restrict: 'A'
replace: true
invite: '='
controller: ['$scope', ctrl]
templateUrl: inviteTemplateUrl
# TODO: Find a better way to export dependencies
window.igniite.inviteToggleDirectiveFactory = inviteToggleDirectiveFactory