XML module for AngularJS.
As of v2.0.0 this module relies on the X2JS module
Supplies the X2JS library as a service and provides a HTTP interceptor to convert all XML responses in to JSON.
.module('myMod', ['xml'])
.config(function (x2jsProvider) {
x2jsProvider.config = {
escapeMode : true|false - Escaping XML characters. Default is true from v1.1.0+
attributePrefix : "<string>" - Prefix for XML attributes in JSon model. Default is "_"
arrayAccessForm : "none"|"property" - The array access form (none|property). Use this property if you want X2JS generates an additional property <element>_asArray to access in array form for any XML element. Default is none from v1.1.0+
emptyNodeForm : "text"|"object" - Handling empty nodes (text|object) mode. When X2JS found empty node like <test></test> it will be transformed to test : '' for 'text' mode, or to Object for 'object' mode. Default is 'text'
enableToStringFunc : true|false - Enable/disable an auxiliary function in generated JSON objects to print text nodes with text/cdata. Default is true
arrayAccessFormPaths : [] - Array access paths. Use this option to configure paths to XML elements always in "array form". You can configure beforehand paths to all your array elements based on XSD or your knowledge. Every path could be a simple string (like 'parent.child1.child2'), a regex (like /.*\.child2/), or a custom function. Default is empty
skipEmptyTextNodesForObj : true|false - Skip empty text tags for nodes with children. Default is true.
stripWhitespaces : true|false - Strip whitespaces (trimming text nodes). Default is true.
datetimeAccessFormPaths : [] - Datetime access paths. Use this option to configure paths to XML elements for "datetime form". You can configure beforehand paths to all your array elements based on XSD or your knowledge. Every path could be a simple string (like 'parent.child1.child2'), a regex (like /.*\.child2/), or a custom function. Default is empty
For any more information on how to configure and use the X2JS service, see their project.
.module('myMod', ['xml'])
.factory('someFactory', function (x2js) {
var xmlDoc = x2js.json2xml(
MyRoot : {
MyChild : 'my_child_value',
MyAnotherChild: 10,
MyArray : [ 'test', 'test2' ],
MyArrayRecords : [
ttt : 'vvvv'
ttt : 'vvvv2'
Read the docs on how to use it.
The HTTP interceptor will convert all your XML responses in to a JavaScript Object.
<!-- blogs.xml -->
<blog name="my first blog" id="1"/>
// blogs.js
.module('blogs', ['xml'])
.config(function ($httpProvider) {
.controller(function ($scope, $http) {
$http.get('blogs.xml').success(function (data) {
$scope.blogs = data.blogs.blog;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="blogs">
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.0/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/x2js/xml2json.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/angular-xml/angular-xml.min.js"></script>
<script src="blogs.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="BlogsCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="blog in blogs">
{{blog._id}} - {{blog._name}}
First acquire the X2JS library (this comes bundled with the bower option described next)
Then there are 3 optoins:
- Download the latest tag.
- Use bower:
bower i --save angular-xml
- Or use jsDelivr CDN:
To contribute to the project take the following steps:
- Fork the project.
- Create a branch specific for your change(s).
- Submit a pull request to my master branch and we can begin the process of merging.
When submitting, please make sure your code is covered by tests.
The unit tests run with Karma and the E2E tests run with Protractor.
npm run update-webdriver
npm test
Or, to watch your files and test automatically:
npm run dev
The source file angular-xml.js
can be minifed and checked for problems using a grunt command. First make sure you have installed all npm dependencies npm i
. Then run grunt
There is a git hook available for shell environments that will automatically lint, test and compile the xml module when commiting it. To use it simply link it in to the git hook directory.
npm run hook-git
# And... of you want to remove the hook
npm run unhook-git
Now when you change the angular-xml.js
file and commit it, it will be linted, tested and if all is OK, then compiled and the minified version wil be added to your commit.