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Nuked SC-55 CLAP audio plugin

The plugin is built upon J.C. Moyer's fork of nukeykt's original Nuked SC-55 project.

The plugin aims to preserve an important part of DOS gaming history for all to freely enjoy for posterity. It's only intended for personal use (e.g., retro gaming or writing music as a hobby) and research purposes.

As per the original Nuked SC-55 license, neither the code nor the published binaries may be used directly or indirectly for the creation of commercial Roland SC-55 emulation hardware boxes. Moreover, any use of the software in commercial music production is prohibited, and so is including the plugin in any commercial software package.


Download the latest version for your operating system from the releases page page, then unzip it into one of these OS-specific locations:

  • Windows

    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\CLAP\
  • macOS

    • /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/CLAP/
    • $HOME/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/CLAP/
  • Linux

    • /usr/lib/clap/
    • $HOME/.clap/

ROM files

The emulation needs dumps of the ROM chips of the original hardware to function. If any of the ROM files for a given model are not present or they're invalid, you won't be able to load the plugin for that particular model. It's the easiest to grab the ROM files from here, but here are the instructions how to set them up if you're getting them from elsewhere.

Create a Nuked-SC55-Resources directory in the folder where the CLAP plugin resides, then a ROMs folder in it. You'll need to create subfolders in the ROMs folder for the different models with specific names (e.g., SC-55-v1.20).

This is how the folder structure should look like:





On macOS, you can also put the ROMs folder in the Resources folder inside the Nuked-SC55.clap application bundle.

Here is the list of required files for each supported model and their SHA256 hashes. Lookup is performed by filename, so make sure the names match exactly.

SC-55-v1.20/sc55_rom1.bin        dd01ec54027751c2f2f2e47bbb7a0bf3d1ca8ae2
SC-55-v1.20/sc55_rom2.bin        ffa8e3d5b3ec45485de4c13029bb4406c08ac9c3
SC-55-v1.20/sc55_waverom1.bin    8cc3c0d7ec0993df81d4ca1970e01a4b0d8d3775
SC-55-v1.20/sc55_waverom2.bin    80e6eb130c18c09955551563f78906163c55cc11
SC-55-v1.20/sc55_waverom3.bin    7454b817778179806f3f9d1985b3a2ef67ace76f

SC-55-v1.21/sc55_rom1.bin        dd01ec54027751c2f2f2e47bbb7a0bf3d1ca8ae2
SC-55-v1.21/sc55_rom2.bin        9c17f85e784dc1549ac1f98d457b353393331f6b
SC-55-v1.21/sc55_waverom1.bin    8cc3c0d7ec0993df81d4ca1970e01a4b0d8d3775
SC-55-v1.21/sc55_waverom2.bin    80e6eb130c18c09955551563f78906163c55cc11
SC-55-v1.21/sc55_waverom3.bin    7454b817778179806f3f9d1985b3a2ef67ace76f

SC-55-v2.00/sc55_rom1.bin        76f646bc03f66dbee7606f2181d4ea76f05ece7d
SC-55-v2.00/sc55_rom2.bin        6d6346b35c2379e9e6adc182214580e3d164b0c7
SC-55-v2.00/sc55_waverom1.bin    8cc3c0d7ec0993df81d4ca1970e01a4b0d8d3775
SC-55-v2.00/sc55_waverom2.bin    80e6eb130c18c09955551563f78906163c55cc11
SC-55-v2.00/sc55_waverom3.bin    7454b817778179806f3f9d1985b3a2ef67ace76f

SC-55mk2-v1.01/rom1.bin          b91bb1d9dccffe831b7cfde7800a3fe32b2fbda6
SC-55mk2-v1.01/rom2.bin          078cb5feea05e80bb9a1bb857a2163ee434fd053
SC-55mk2-v1.01/rom_sm.bin        4d48578d811a762a8e7bfaf18989bcac70ae1ba4
SC-55mk2-v1.01/waverom1.bin      96708cb21381c2fd03de4babbf7aea301c7594a6
SC-55mk2-v1.01/waverom2.bin      4d91cdeaed048d653dbf846a221003c3a3f08279


The official build method is via CMake and vcpkg (this is what the CI workflow uses).

Alternatively, you can use Meson, but that build method is less frequently tested.


All platforms

  • CMake 3.27+
  • vcpkg (latest)


  • Visual Studio 2022 17.11.4+

macOS & Linux

  • clang 16.0.0+
  • ninja 1.12.1+

Installing vcpkg

If you don't have vcpkg installed yet:

git clone
cd vcpkg &&

Then append this to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

export VCPKG_ROOT=<vcpkg_repo_location>

On Windows, run bootstrap-vcpkg.bat instead and set the PATH Windows enviroment variable accordingly.

Building the project


First you'll need to configure the project:

cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-static-md -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" --preset=ninja

Use either command to build the debug artifact (this will create the Nuked-SC55.clap plugin in build\Debug):

cmake --build build
cmake --build build --config Debug

To build the release artifact (this will create the Nuked-SC55.clap plugin in build\Release):

cmake --build build --config Release

The msvc-sanitizer preset is also available for debugging.


Run to create the universal binary app bundle in the out directory. Alternatively, follow the below manual steps:

First you'll need to configure the project. Use either command to configure the debug or release build:

cmake --preset=debug
cmake --preset=release

Set CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES as well if you want to cross-compile, e.g.:

cmake --preset=release -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=arm64
cmake --preset=release -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64

To build the project (use the same preset):

cmake --build build --preset=release

This will create the Nuked-SC55.clap app bundle in the build directory.

The clang-sanitizer preset is also available for debugging.


First you'll need to configure the project. Use either command to configure the debug or release build:

cmake --preset=debug
cmake --preset=release

To build the project (use the same preset):

cmake --build build --preset=release

This will create the Nuked-SC55.clap plugin in the build directory.

The following presets are also available for debugging:

  • gcc-sanitizer
  • clang-sanitizer

Clean the project directory

To clean the build directory:

cmake --build build --preset=release --target clean

Clean for a specific config (for MSVC):

cmake --build build --preset=release --config Release --target clean

To start from scratch, delete the build directory and run the configure command again.

Meson (alternative build method)

Release build using statically-linked SpeexDSP (for portable releases):

meson setup --prefer-static build/release
ninja -C build/release

Release build using dynamically-linked system SpeexDSP (might break on other people's systems):

meson setup build/release
ninja -C build/release

Debug build:

meson setup --buildtype=debug build/debug
ninja -C build/debug

Sanitizer build:

meson setup --buildtype=debug -Db_sanitize=address,undefined build/sanitizer
ninja -C build/sanitizer


The Nuked SC-55 CLAP plugin based on Nuked SC-55 can be distributed and used under the original MAME license (see LICENSE file). Non-commercial license was chosen to prevent making and selling SC-55 emulation boxes using (or around) this code, as well as preventing from using it in commercial music production.