- Follow me on Google Scholar
- An Investigation into the Use of Different Search Strategies with Grammatical Evolution
- Artificial Intelligence for IoT Cookbook: Over 70 recipes for building AI solutions for smart homes, industrial IoT, and smart cities by Michael Roshak (⭐️4)
- Linux Kernel Debugging: Leverage proven tools and advanced techniques to effectively debug Linux kernels and kernel modules by Kaiwan N Billimoria (⭐️5)
- Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow by Aurélien Géron (⭐️4.55)
- Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology by Chris Miller (⭐️4.4)
- UNIX for Dummies by John R. Levine (⭐️3.35)
- Psych: The Story of the Human Mind by Paul Bloom (⭐️4.12)
- Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing by Paul Azunre (⭐️4)
- Linux Kernel Programming: A comprehensive guide to kernel internals, writing kernel modules, and kernel synchronization by Kaiwan N Billimoria (unrated)
- Natural Language Processing with Python and spaCy: A Practical Introduction by Yuli Vasiliev (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
- Flutter for Beginners: An introductory guide to building cross-platform mobile applications with Flutter 2.5 and Dart by Thomas Bailey (unrated)
- The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values by Brian Christian (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
- Once Upon a Prime: The Wondrous Connections Between Mathematics and Literature by Sarah Hart (⭐⭐⭐)
- Setting the origin using an access token - git remote set-url origin https://yourpat@github.com/yourusername/yourrepository.git/
- git config --global user.name
- git config --global user.email
- git config -l
- git config --global credential.helper cache
- git status , get a status of all files
- git rm -r --cached Classification/Syslog/data/ # removed cached files from local repository
- On windows with Git Bash use windows login. In the bash shell use: git config --global credential.helper wincred
python3.9 -m venv venvironname
This creates
ls venvtl/
To use this environment
activate venvironname
Or in Conda
conda create --name venvtl
conda activate venvtl
To deactivate, use
conda deactivate
conda env remove --name venvtl
To list available environments use:
conda info --envs