Built with Godot 3.5.1.
A tribute to the arcade classics Galaga and Space Invaders, in 3D.
Classic Galaga gameplay with a few extras.
This is my first project built with Godot. It started as a port of my BabylonJS Space Invaders project and morphed into its current state as I experimented with many of Godot's different nodes.
The game was built on a ThinkPad X1 that only has an integrated graphics card. I couldn't even get Unity to run on it, but Godot starts up in seconds!
The models were created using Goxel.
The repository includes all code and assets. Have fun and use them as you like.
Sound effects are published under Creative Commons by Juhani Junkala, which can be found here: https://opengameart.org/content/512-sound-effects-8-bit-style.
Space Invaders every few levels