This Python program analyzes data from to expose hidden gender biases in student reviews. Search for keywords to see how frequently they appear in reviews of male and female professors, categorized by review ratings ("Low," "Medium," and "High"). Visualizations reveal potential biases in language used to describe professors, such as a higher frequency of words like "intelligent" or "genius" for male professors.
- Python 3
- Tkinter library (for graphical user interface)
- Visit the official Python website:
- Download and install the latest Python version compatible with your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
- Open a terminal and run the program by typing:
- The program opens a graphical window.
- Enter a word in the "Word to Plot" search bar.
- The program searches for the entered word and displays a graph showing the frequency of the word used in reviews for both male and female professors, categorized by review ratings.
- Try searching for loaded words like "smart," "intelligent," and "genius" to see how these words are used differently when describing male vs. female professors.