Python/Numpy implementation of Bspline basis functions via Cox - de Boor algorithm.
Also provided are higher-order differentiation, collocation matrix generation, and a minimal procedural API (mainly for dealing with knot vectors) which may help in converting MATLAB codes.
import numpy
import bspline
import bspline.splinelab as splinelab
## Spline setup and evaluation
p = 3 # order of spline (as-is; 3 = cubic)
nknots = 11 # number of knots to generate (here endpoints count only once)
tau = [0.1, 0.33] # collocation sites (i.e. where to evaluate)
knots = numpy.linspace(0,1,nknots) # create a knot vector without endpoint repeats
k = splinelab.augknt(knots, p) # add endpoint repeats as appropriate for spline order p
B = bspline.Bspline(k, p) # create spline basis of order p on knots k
A0 = B.collmat(tau) # collocation matrix for function value at sites tau
A2 = B.collmat(tau, deriv_order=2) # collocation matrix for second derivative at sites tau
print( A0 )
print( A2 )
D3 = B.diff(order=3) # third derivative of B as lambda x: ...
print( D3(0.4) )
D = numpy.array( [D3(t) for t in tau], dtype=numpy.float64 ) # third derivative of B at sites tau
## Spline setup by defining collocation sites
ncolloc = 7
tau = numpy.linspace(0,1,ncolloc) # These are the sites to which we would like to interpolate
k = splinelab.aptknt(tau, p) # Given the collocation sites, generate a knot vector
# (incl. endpoint repeats). To get meaningful results,
# here one must choose ncolloc such that ncolloc >= p+1.
B = bspline.Bspline(k, p)
A0 = B.collmat(tau)
print( A0 )
## Evaluate a function expressed in the spline basis:
# set up coefficients (in a real use case, fill this with something sensible,
# e.g. with an L2 projection onto the spline basis)
nbasis = A0.shape[1] # A0.shape = (num_collocation_sites, num_basis_functions)
c = numpy.ones( (nbasis,), dtype=numpy.float64 )
# evaluate f(0.4)
y1 = numpy.sum( B(0.4) * c )
# evaluate at each tau[k]
y2 = numpy.array( [numpy.sum( B(t) * c ) for t in tau], dtype=numpy.float64 )
# equivalent, using the collocation matrix
# NOTE: the sites tau are built into the matrix when collmat() is called.
y3 = numpy.sum( A0 * c, axis=-1 )
Install as user:
pip install bspline --user
Install as admin:
sudo pip install bspline
As user:
git clone
cd bspline
python install --user
As admin, change the last command to
sudo python install
files from the bspline
subdirectory next to your source code,
or leave them there and call it as a module.
- Python 2.7 and 3.4.
- Linux Mint.
- NumPy
- Matplotlib (for demo script)