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Docker images for Jam.

Contains two separate images:

  • ui-only: Only the UI
  • standalone: UI + joinmarket clientserver


Usage Notes

docker pull

Environment variables

The following environment variables control the configuration:

  • JAM_JMWALLETD_HOST (required; jmwalletd hostname)
  • JAM_JMWALLETD_API_PORT (required; jmwalletd api port)
  • JAM_JMWALLETD_WEBSOCKET_PORT (required; jmwalletd websocket port)
  • JAM_JMOBWATCH_PORT (required; ob-watcher port)

Building Notes

Building a specific release:

docker build --label "local" \
        --build-arg JAM_REPO_REF=v0.3.0 \
        --tag "joinmarket-webui/jam-ui-only" ./ui-only

Building from a specific branch (with disabled release verification):

docker build --label "local" \
        --build-arg SKIP_RELEASE_VERIFICATION=true \
        --build-arg JAM_REPO_REF=master \
        --tag "joinmarket-webui/jam-ui-only" ./ui-only

Build args

  • SKIP_RELEASE_VERIFICATION (optional, defaults to false; enable skipping release verification)
  • JAM_REPO (ui git repo; defaults to
  • JAM_REPO_REF (ui git ref; defaults to master)

Inspecting the Container

docker run --rm --entrypoint="/bin/ash" -it joinmarket-webui/jam-ui-only


docker run --rm  -it \
        --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
        --env JAM_JMWALLETD_HOST="host.docker.internal" \
        --env JAM_JMWALLETD_API_PORT="28183" \
        --env JAM_JMWALLETD_WEBSOCKET_PORT="28283" \
        --env JAM_JMOBWATCH_PORT="62601" \
        --publish "8080:80" \

or (using the host network)

docker run --rm  -it \
        --network host \
        --env JAM_JMWALLETD_HOST="localhost" \
        --env JAM_JMWALLETD_API_PORT="28183" \
        --env JAM_JMWALLETD_WEBSOCKET_PORT="28283" \
        --env JAM_JMOBWATCH_PORT="62601" \


docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint:latest-alpine hadolint "$@" - < "./ui-only/Dockerfile"


Usage Notes

docker pull

Environment variables

The following environment variables control the configuration:

  • APP_USER (optional; username used for basic authentication)
  • APP_PASSWORD (optional, but required if APP_USER is provided; password used for basic authentication)
  • ENSURE_WALLET (optional, defaults to false; create and load the wallet in bitcoin core on startup)
  • READY_FILE (optional; wait for a file to be created before starting all services, e.g. to wait for chain synchronization)
  • REMOVE_LOCK_FILES (optional, defaults to false; remove leftover lockfiles from possible unclean shutdowns on startup)
  • RESTORE_DEFAULT_CONFIG (optional, defaults to false; overwrites any existing joinmarket.cfg file with a default config)
  • WAIT_FOR_BITCOIND (optional, defaults to true; wait for bitcoind to accept RPC request and report >= 100 blocks)

Variables starting with prefix JM_ will be applied to joinmarket.cfg e.g.:

  • JM_GAPLIMIT: 2000 will set the gaplimit config value to 2000

Building Notes

Building a specific release:

docker build --label "local" \
        --build-arg JAM_REPO_REF=v0.3.0 \
        --build-arg JM_SERVER_REPO_REF=v0.9.11 \
        --tag "joinmarket-webui/jam-standalone" ./standalone

Building from a specific branch (with disabled release verification):

docker build --label "local" \
        --build-arg SKIP_RELEASE_VERIFICATION=true \
        --build-arg JAM_REPO_REF=master \
        --build-arg JM_SERVER_REPO_REF=master \
        --tag "joinmarket-webui/jam-standalone" ./standalone

Build args

  • SKIP_RELEASE_VERIFICATION (optional, defaults to false; enable skipping release verification)
  • JAM_REPO (ui git repo; defaults to
  • JAM_REPO_REF (ui git ref; defaults to master)
  • JM_SERVER_REPO (server git repo; defaults to
  • JM_SERVER_REPO_REF (server git ref; defaults to master)

Inspecting the Container

docker run --rm --entrypoint="/bin/bash" -it joinmarket-webui/jam-standalone


docker run --rm  -it \
        --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
        --env JM_RPC_HOST="host.docker.internal" \
        --env JM_RPC_PORT="18443" \
        --env JM_RPC_USER="jm" \
        --env JM_RPC_PASSWORD="***" \
        --env JM_NETWORK="regtest" \
        --env APP_USER="joinmarket" \
        --env APP_PASSWORD="joinmarket" \
        --env ENSURE_WALLET="true" \
        --env REMOVE_LOCK_FILES="true" \
        --env RESTORE_DEFAULT_CONFIG="true" \
        --env WAIT_FOR_BITCOIND="true" \
        --volume jmdatadir:/root/.joinmarket \
        --publish "8080:80" \


docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint:latest-alpine hadolint "$@" - < "./standalone/Dockerfile"


  • Do not run as root inside container.
  • Make irc config options editable via environment variables
    • A coinjoin on regtest is not possible, because these params can only be replaced by mounting an own joinmarket.cfg
