ASRA is REST-API specifically build to support online store system of ALTA. ASRA provides functionality that allows developers to behave either as customer or admin. ASRA is created using Golang, Gorm, and MYSQL as database.
The MVP of ASRA is :
- Login and register customers
- Customers can view list product based on product category
- Customers can add product to shopping cart
- Customers can see a list of products that have been added to the shopping cart
- Customers can delete the product list from the shopping cart
- Customers can checkout and make payment transactions
And this ERD of ASRA is like this :
We provide another documentation using swagger to make it easy to understand the basic of API.
How to run this project :
- git clone
- cd
and rungo install
- setup envirotment, rename file
. And setup this variabel envirotment. - after finished install this module, run command
go run swagger.go
for running this documentation to browser like thislocalhost:8080/swaggerui
- run command
go run main.go
to running this server like thislocalhost:8000
- run command
go test ./controller/ -cover
for running unit testing
There are 4 basic HTTP requests that you can use in this API:
Create a resourcePUT
Update a resourceGET
Get a resource or list of resourcesDELETE
Delete a resource
Each response will include a code(repsonse code),message,status and data object that can be single object or array depending on the query.
Each response will be returned with one of the following HTTP status codes:
The request was successful400
Bad Request
There was a problem with the request (security, malformed, data validation, etc.)404
Not found
An attempt was made to access a resource that does not exist in the API500
Server Error
An error on the server occurred
register customer
passing customer data to register customer
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
username | body | customer usernmae | Yes | string |
body | customer email | Yes | string | |
password | body | customer password | Yes | string |
Code | Description |
200 | success register customer |
500 | error registration customer |
"code": 200,
"message": "success register customers",
"status": "success"
login as customer
passing email and password to login as customer
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
body | customer email | Yes | string | |
password | body | customer password | Yes | string |
Code | Description |
200 | success login customer |
400 | error login(invalid email/password) |
"code": 200,
"message": "success login customer",
"status": "success",
"data": {
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdXRob3JpemVkIjp0cnVlLCJleHAiOjE2MTczNDg0ODgsInVzZXJJZCI6MX0.C4pvmawkwNP-SVJlIA0qbTct3qen4PPbhtHK9XRRpts"
Update Customer Data
passing several data to update customer data
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | customer id | Yes | string |
body | customer email | No | string | |
adresss | body | customer address | No | string |
bank_name | body | customer email | No | string |
bank_account_number | body | customer address | No | string |
Code | Description |
200 | success update customer data |
400 | error update data |
"address": "jalan ahmad yani",
"bank_name": "BCA",
"bank_account_number": "23232323"
"code": 200,
"message": "success update profil customer",
"status": "success"
Get products
Get all product based on category, if no id is passed then it will return all product in the store
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | query | category id | No | int |
Code | Description |
200 | success get products |
400 | error bad request |
"code": 200,
"message": "success get product",
"status": "success",
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Yonex Zerox",
"categories_id": 4,
"description": "Raket tercepat di Asia",
"quantity": 30,
"price": 45000,
"unit": "pcs",
"CreatedAt": "2021-03-28T20:01:40.21+07:00",
"UpdatedAt": "2021-03-28T20:01:40.21+07:00"
Adding cartitems to carts
Adding product that customer wants to buy into their cart
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
carts_id | body | customer cart id | Yes | int |
products_id | body | product id | Yes | int |
quantity | body | quantity of product | Yes | int |
Code | Description |
200 | success insert cartitems |
400 | invalid input |
500 | product/cart not exist |
"code": 200,
"status": "success",
"message": "success insert cartitems"
get all cartitems inside specific cart
get all cartitems that is inside usercart
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
carts_id | query | customer cart id | Yes | int |
Code | Description |
200 | success get cartitems |
400 | bad request |
"code": 200,
"status": "success",
"message": "Success Get Cartitems",
"data": [
"id": 29,
"carts_id": 4,
"products_id": 9,
"name": "Yonex e545",
"price": 45000,
"quantity": 3
Delete specific cartitem
Delete specific cartitem based on cartitemid
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
cartitemid | path | id of cartitem to be deleted | Yes | int |
Code | Description |
200 | success delete cartitems |
400 | error deleting cartitems(wrong cartitem id etc) |
"code": 200,
"message": "cartitems succesfully deleted",
"status": "success"
Creating order from customer
When customer checkout order and payment will be created, and customer cart item will be moved to checkout item
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
customers_id | body | customer id | Yes | int |
courier_id | body | courier id | Yes | int |
payment_method | body | method of payment | Yes | string |
payment_start_date | body | date in format(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) | Yes | string |
payment_end_date | body | date in format(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) | Yes | string |
payment_status | body | status of payment | Yes | string |
payment_amount | body | total payment amount | Yes | int |
Code | Description |
200 | success create order |
400 | bad request(customer not exist,etc) |
"payment_method":" BCA",
"payment_start_date":"2021-03-29 10:42:44.710",
"payment_end_date" : "2021-03-30 10:42:44.710",
"payment_status": "waiting",
"payment_amount" : 345000
"code": 200,
"message": "success insert order",
"status": "success"
Update payment status
Update payment status when customer finishing their payment for the product
Name | Located in | Description | Required | Schema |
id | path | payment id that needs to be updated | Yes | int |
Code | Description |
200 | success update payment |
400 | error update payment(payment id not exist etc) |
"code": 200,
"message": "success update payments",
"status": "success"