The full-fat tech mod for Minecraft 1.20.1
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Ender IO is a full-featured tech mod. It has armor, tools, weapons, machines, conduits, inventory management, mobs, etc.
Ender IO has been rewritten from the ground-up to support the latest version of Minecraft. Some features may be missing or work differently, however we are working to re-implement everything we know and love about the original.
The Ender IO Team are official Akliz partners! Akliz provides high-performance game hosting for games like Minecraft, Valheim, Satisfactory, ARK and more! Use our coupon code for 20% off your first month!
Download the latest JAR file from GitHub releases or from CurseForge and drop it into your mods
EnderIO is available via our maven.
Update your build.gradle
to contain the following:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
// Include Ender IO API for compilation
compileOnly fg.deobf("com.enderio:EnderIO:<VERSION>:api")
// Use EnderIO at runtime
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("com.enderio.EnderIO:<VERSION>")
If you need any feature in the api, contact us.
Note Before selecting a task from the tracker to do, make sure to comment to say that you are working on it so other's don't do the same thing! If you are planning on contributing something that isn't tracked, consider either making an issue to discuss your proposal, or pushing a very early draft PR for discussion
- Ensure you meet the Forge prerequisites.
- Fork this repository under your own profile, this will mean you can push your changes to GitHub for Pull Requests later.
- Clone down the forked repository using a git client or cli.
- Open the project in your preferred IDE and wait for the gradle import.
- Follow any other relevant Forge setup for your IDE.
- Work on your feature or fix, try to commit for each major thing you do.
- Create a draft pull request early for big changes to receive early feedback.
All code (excluding the bundled APIs from other mods, which are covered by their respective licenses) are released without restriction into the public domain under the CC0 1.0 license ( FAQ ( Do what you want with it, as long as you smile while doing so. While it is not a requirement, it would be nice to know if it is being used and how, so send me hello to at
Certain parts of the source code may be under a different license due to being part of other projects. Notice for the same can be found along with the said source files in the same directory. In addition to this, further licensing considerations are available to view here.
- CrazyPants
- tterrag
- HenryLoenwind
- MatthiasM
- CyanideX
- EpicSquid
- Rover656
- HypherionSA
- agnor99
- ferriarnus
- mystchonky
- and our Contributors
Below sounds are used under CC BY 3.0 or CC BY-NC 3.0