ImageNamer-Go is written in Go, so you can install it through go install
go install
Pre-compiled binaries for Linux and Windows on the releases page. After you download the file archive for your operating system and architecture extract the file archive:
For Linux:
# make binary executable
$ chmod +x imagenamer-go
# move binary to path
$ sudo mv imagenamer-go /usr/local/bin
For Windows:
# move binary to a directory
$ move imagenamer-go.exe C:\Users\<user>\.imagenamer-go
ImageNamer-Go command line interface is currently a work in progress. Please keep this in mind when using. Make sure you use ImagerNamer-Go CLI with caution and at your own risk. We do not raise any liability or guarantee.
Visit the documentation site here. Please note that the documentation is still a work in progress.
ImageNamer-Go relies on other open source software listed below:
- olekukonko/tablewriter
- rwcarlsen/goexif
- fatih/color
- spf13/cobra
- spf13/viper
- ayoisaiah/f2
Released under the terms of the MIT License.