- Install Azure CLI
az group create -l westus -n ASecureMLPlatform
az network vnet create -n mlvnet -g ASecureMLPlatform -l westus --address-prefix --subnet-name mldefault --subnet-prefix
az storage account create -n jomitsecuremldata -g ASecureMLPlatform -l westus --sku Standard_LRS --https-only true
az network vnet subnet update -g ASecureMLPlatform --vnet-name mlvnet --name mldefault --service-endpoints "Microsoft.Storage"
$subnetid=(az network vnet subnet show -g ASecureMLPlatform --vnet-name mlvnet --name mldefault --query id --output tsv)
az storage account network-rule add -g ASecureMLPlatform --account-name jomitsecuremldata --subnet $subnetid
az extension add -n azure-cli-ml
$storageid=(az storage account show -n jomitsecuremldata --query id --output tsv)
az ml workspace create -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform -l westus --storage-account $storageid
az ml datastore list -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform
az ml datastore set-default -n workspaceblobstore -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform
az storage account update -g ASecureMLPlatform -n jomitsecuremldata --default-action Deny
(Optional) Add Client IP in storage account firewall for access issues outside the network.
(Optional) Entire ML Workspace behind VNET in on roadmap.
az group deployment create -g ASecureMLPlatform --template-file dsvm-template.json --parameters dsvm-parameters.json --parameters adminPassword=<Your Password>
(Optional) To enable MSI Authentication for notebooks, create Identity for VM and provide Contributor access to AML Workspace
(Optional) Also try Notebook VM in VNET once GA
az network public-ip update -g ASecureMLPlatform -n jomitsecuremlvm-ip --dns-name jomitsecuremlvm --allocation-method Dynamic
az ml computetarget attach remote -a jomitsecuremlvm.westus.cloudapp.azure.com -n default -u jomit -p <Your Password> -g ASecureMLPlatform -w securemlws --ssh-port 22
(Optional) You can also create a seperate storage account dedicated for input datasets but for now we will use the storage account associated with the workspace)
az ml datastore upload -n workspaceblobstore -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform -p ./data -u /inputdata
az ml run submit-script -e buildpipeline -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform -d ./aml_pipeline/dependencies.yaml ./aml_pipeline/build_pipeline.py --target default
az ml dataset list -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform
az ml run submit-script -e buildpipeline -w securemlws -g ASecureMLPlatform -d ./aml_pipeline/dependencies.yaml ./tests/run_pipeline.py --target default