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Releases: jomjol/water-meter-system-complete

water-meter-system-complete - v5.5.2

14 Mar 21:31
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5.5.2 (2020-02-23)

Modification of Errortext in case RateToHigh, NegativeRate (Blank after "Error", e.g. "ErrorRateToHigh" --> "Error - RateToHigh")
Change MaxRateValue from 0.1 to 0.2 in Default Config.ini

5.5.1 (2020-02-15)

Update CNN-Digital to v5.0.0 (improved training data from iobroker users)
Update CNN-Analog to v5.0.0 (improved training data from iobroker users)

5.5.0 (2020-02-12)

Update CNN-Digital to v4.2.0 (improved training data from iobroker users)

5.4.9 (2020-01-27)

Extensdion to json output: ../wasserzaehler.json

5.3.0 (2020-01-08)

Integration of storage of prevalue in file to reload on startup
Correction of drawing analog counter ROIs even if they are disabled

5.2.0 (2020-01-03)

Raspberry Version: Remove autorestart (not working) - instead: use cron job for regular restart to handle tensorflow memory leak Setting up cron job

5.1.0 (2019-12-28)

Raspberry Version: Autorestart on Python Crash of

5.0.0 (2019-12-28)

Separate environmental setup to dedicated Docker images (for Raspberry: raspi-opencv-tensorflow and for Synology (Intel w/o AVX2): synology-opencv-tensorflow)

water-meter-system-complete - v4.3.0

27 Dec 17:05
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  • Update roi.jpg on every image processing

water-meter-system-complete - v4.2.0

07 Dec 20:47
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  • Reading of analog counters is enabled or disabled via config.ini special thanks to alikanarya

water-meter-system-complete - v4.1.1

07 Dec 20:04
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  • Upgrade to Tensorflow 2.0
  • Changed image processing within CNN to Pillow (instead of OpenCV)
  • Training analog and digital CNN with additional type of counter and digits respectivelely

water-meter-system-complete - Raspberry-V3 - v1.0.0

13 Nov 21:23
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Initial Version of Raspberry V3

water-meter-system-complete - v3.0.0

03 Nov 18:00
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Impementation of optional consistency check of readout value (not negative, maximum rate)

water-meter-system-complete - v2.3.0

06 Oct 12:58
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  • Automated creation of default configuration if no config is present - including subdirectories (usefull for docker with mounted volumes)
  • Parameter "simple" to reduce output to a single value
  • Update neural network for readout analog meter
  • storage and usage of last full readouts to substitute "NaN" values in digital counters
  • Specification of image source directly in config.ini

water-meter-system-complete - v2.0.0

05 Sep 18:20
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Major changes:

  • Change to Python
  • Usage of AnalogReadout v2.0.0 with sin/cos Algorithm

Next steps planned:

  • direct incorporation of image input

water-meter-system-complete - v1.0.0-nodejs-deprecated

01 Sep 16:47
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This release is done for documentation. Due to technical reasons, the project will switched from NodeJS to Python, which will be followed in the main branch.
This branch will not be maintained anymore.