A generic cms for managing EVERYTHINGTodos John Moore July 2005
Todos is a collection of php scripts to create, update, edit, search and display entries in a Todos database.
Installation: Create a web project with the following directory structure:
/www -- root for website files
/www/_include -- configuration files
/www/_lib -- 3rd party libraries
/www/IDX -- root for Todos pages
Checkout Todos to /www/todos or /www/_lib/todos
Add any pages neccessary for the app, other than todos pages, under /www, e.g., /www/index.php
Config Copy files from /www/todos/_include to /www/_include. Do not include the /www/todos/_include/CVS directory o Rename *.eo to *.php o edit todosConfig.php o edit login.conf.php
User account On db machine, as root
Checkout Module to db/web machine
MYSQL database
mysql> GRANT ALL ON <db_name>.* TO <login_name> identified by ''; mysql> exit;
Create index.php Under <site_name>/www create index.php As the first line: