VidSlide is a TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Reels inspired app. Post, edit and delete posts. Built with SvelteKit, ViteJS, TailwindCSS, SkeletonUI, FloatingUI, Iconify, Typesave-i18n, Zod, MySQL, Apache, JS & TS, PHP, PHP-JWT, PHP-DotEnv, PHP-FFMpeg, Binaries-FFMpeg, PHP-GD, PHP-MySQLi, CSS, HTML, Docker, Vercel (frontend NodeJS hosting), OracleCloud (backend/database Docker container hosting).
npm install
// install node_modules (dependencies) -
npm run all
// view development server -
npm run build
// build development to production -
npm run preview
// view production server
npm outdated
// displays current, wanted and latest version of dep
npm update
// updates deps to wanted version (never major versions (could break things))
| sudo docker-compose up -d --build
// The command uses the "docker-compose.yaml" file and builds it with the RUN-commands in the "Docker" file to install mysqli.
The compose file includes 2 containers: The mySQL database and the Apache PHP server which functions as an mysqli-API to the database. The frontend fetches data from the backend index.php file which carries the JSON response.
Stop And Delete Containers
- stop and delete:
docker-compose down
- stop:
docker-compose stop
- start after stopped:
docker-compose start
(generated from Docker file on docker-compose)
composer.json: { "require": { "firebase/php-jwt": "^6.4", "vlucas/phpdotenv": "^5.5" } }
(Linux | Windows: installed on WSL2,
openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048
// generates private key
openssl rsa -in private_key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public_key.pem
// generates public key from private key
Example in backend/.env:
<RS256 private key>
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"
PUBLIC_KEY=" -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- <RS256 public key> -----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
Password example in /.env:
Setup tables with dummy data: http://localhost:8196/db_api.php?setup_db=true