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Example project showing how to use KUTTL to create e2e integration tests with Crossplane

Why I didn't choose to use uptest:

WARNING: uptest is a work in progress and hardly ever used by any other than Upbound staff themselves. See this issue comment: "I think we have to be honest and document somewhere that currently uptest is not really usable without surrounding make targets and the build module :)"

Therefore - and since uptest is based on kuttl - in this repository I went with native kuttl instead for the meantime.

TLDR; run:

# Create aws-creds.conf for Crossplane to access AWS
echo "[default]
aws_access_key_id = $(aws configure get aws_access_key_id)
aws_secret_access_key = $(aws configure get aws_secret_access_key)
" > aws-creds.conf

# Run kuttl tests
kubectl kuttl test

To run multiple tests, you don't need to setup kind and Crossplane incl. it's Providers every time simply run:

# Only once:
kubectl kuttl test --skip-cluster-delete
# and the following runs:
kubectl kuttl test --start-kind=false

The KUbernetes Test TooL (kuttl)

"KUTTL is a declarative integration testing harness for testing operators, KUDO, Helm charts, and any other Kubernetes applications or controllers. Test cases are written as plain Kubernetes resources and can be run against a mocked control plane, locally in kind, or any other Kubernetes cluster."

So kuttl reminds me of Molecule for Ansible: A test harness for any Kubernetes application. It sounds like a great fit for Crossplane!


Be sure to have kubectl, helm & kind installed.

Install kind

Getting started with kuttl, we want to either use a pre-existing environment. Or start from scratch using kind:

If you already have a cluster there are no prerequisites. If you want to use the mocked control plane or Kind, you will need Kind (opens new window).

# fire up kind
kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.29.2 --wait 5m

When running with no defined test environment, the default is a preconfigured cluster defined in $KUBECONFIG.

Install kuttl kubectl plugin

# On a Mac
brew tap kudobuilder/tap
brew install kuttl-cli

Alternatively: One of the best ways to install a kubectl plugin is to use the package manager krew. So first install krew via your preferred package manager (see

# Manjaro Linux
pamac install krew

If that gives an error like go: module cache not found: neither GOMODCACHE nor GOPATH is set, try without sudo.

Now install kuttl via krew:

$ kubectl krew install kuttl

WARNING: To be able to run kubectl plugins, you need to add
the following to your ~/.zshrc:

    export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH"

and restart your shell.

Add the export ... statement to your shell configuration as mentioned in the install statement.

Now testdrive kuttl:

$ kubectl kuttl --version
kubectl-kuttl version 0.15.0

kuttl building blocks

kuttl defines the following building blocks:

  • A "test suite" (aka TestSuite) is comprised of many test cases that are run in parallel.
  • A "test case" is a collection of test steps that are run serially - if any test step fails then the entire test case is considered failed.
  • A "test step" (aka TestStep) defines a set of Kubernetes manifests to apply and a state to assert on (wait for or expect).

Create a kuttl test suite: The kuttl-test.yaml

First in the root of our project we need to create a kuttl-test.yaml defining our TestSuite:

kind: TestSuite
  - tests/e2e/
startKIND: true
kindContext: crossplane-test

Our pre-created directory must be defined in testDirs.

Using startKIND: true kuttl will start a kind cluster with the name crossplane-test defined in kindContext.

We should also add the following lines to our .gitignore to prevent us from checking in kind logs or kubeconfig files:


We should also create a folder tests/e2e where the e2e is the name of our test suite:

mkdir -p tests/e2e

Install Crossplane in kuttl TestSuite

To be able to write tests for Crossplane, we need to have it installed in our cluster first.

kuttl has a commands keyword ready for us in TestSuite and TestStep objects. Starting with a binary we can execute anything we'd like.

Since we need Crossplane installed and ready for all our tests, we install it in the TestSuite instead of every TestStep.

Inside our kuttl-test.yaml we add command statements to install Crossplane into the kind test cluster:

kind: TestSuite
  # Install crossplane via Helm Renovate enabled (see
  - command: helm dependency update crossplane/install
  - command: helm upgrade --install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane/install --create-namespace --wait
  - tests/e2e/
startKIND: true
kindContext: crossplane-test

The installation of Crossplane works "Renovate" enabled via a local Helm Chart we defined in crossplane/install directory:

apiVersion: v2
type: application
name: crossplane
version: 0.0.0 # unused
appVersion: 0.0.0 # unused
  - name: crossplane
    version: 1.15.1

Only be sure to add the following to your .gitignore:

# Exclude Helm charts lock and packages

Check the installation works via:

kubectl kuttl test --skip-cluster-delete

The --skip-cluster-delete flag will preserve our crossplane-test kind cluster for later runs.

Thus a docker ps should show the cluster also:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS              PORTS                       NAMES
782fa5bb39a9   kindest/node:v1.25.3   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   2 minutes ago   Up About a minute>6443/tcp   crossplane-test-control-plane

You can even connect to the kind cluster directly setting the KUBECONFIG env variable like this:

export KUBECONFIG="/home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-kuttl/kubeconfig"

Now you should be able to access the kuttle created kind cluster in this current shell:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                            STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
crossplane-test-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   4m25s   v1.25.3

To get your normal kubectx config working again, simply run unset KUBECONFIG.

If you need to delete the cluster later, run:

kind delete clusters crossplane-test

Install AWS Provider in kuttl TestSuite

The Upbound AWS Provider Family for S3 needed for our objectstorage Composition is located in crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml:

kind: Provider
  name: upbound-provider-aws-s3
  packagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Only download the package if it isn’t in the cache.
  revisionActivationPolicy: Automatic # Otherwise our Provider never gets activate & healthy
  revisionHistoryLimit: 1

Thus inside our kuttl-test.yaml we add another command statements to install the Provider into the kind test cluster & wait for it to become healthy:

kind: TestSuite
  # Install crossplane via Helm Renovate enabled (see
  - command: helm dependency update crossplane-install
  - command: helm upgrade --install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-install --create-namespace --wait

  # Install the crossplane Upbound AWS S3 Provider Family
  - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml
  # Wait until AWS Provider is up and running
  - command: kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3
  - tests/e2e/
startKIND: true
kindContext: crossplane-test

Configure AWS Provider in kuttl for testing Resource rendering only (without AWS access)

It is not always needed to really create resources on AWS through out our tests. It might be enough to just check if the Managed Resources are rendered correctly.

To get the Crossplane AWS Provider to render the Managed Resources without real AWS connectivity, we use the trick described here and create a Secret without actual AWS creds. You find it in the file crossplane/provider/non-access-secret.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws-creds
  namespace: crossplane-system
type: Opaque
  key: nocreds

Now inside our kuttl-test.yaml we add additional command statements to create the Secret and configure the AWS Provider:

kind: TestSuite
  # Install crossplane via Helm Renovate enabled (see
  - command: helm dependency update crossplane/install
  - command: helm upgrade --install --force crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane/install --create-namespace --wait

  # Install the crossplane Upbound AWS S3 Provider Family
  - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml
  # Wait until AWS Provider is up and running
  - command: kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3

  # Create AWS Provider secret without AWS access
  - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/non-access-secret.yaml
  # Create ProviderConfig to consume the Secret containing AWS credentials
  - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml
  - tests/e2e/
startKIND: true
kindContext: crossplane-test

The final bit is to configure the AWS Provider via a ProviderConfig which is located in crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml:

kind: ProviderConfig
  name: default
    source: Secret
      namespace: crossplane-system
      name: aws-creds
      key: creds

Now we should be able to run kubectl kuttl test and everything sjould be prepared for testing resource rendering with Crossplane:

$ kubectl kuttl test
=== RUN   kuttl
    harness.go:462: starting setup
    harness.go:249: running tests with KIND.
    harness.go:173: temp folder created /tmp/kuttl1667306899
    harness.go:155: Starting KIND cluster
    kind.go:66: Adding Containers to KIND...
    harness.go:275: Successful connection to cluster at:
    logger.go:42: 10:54:17 |  | running command: [helm dependency update crossplane-install]
    logger.go:42: 10:54:17 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 10:54:17 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 10:54:17 |  | Getting updates for unmanaged Helm repositories...
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | ...Successfully got an update from the "" chart repository
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | Saving 1 charts
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | Downloading crossplane from repo
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | Deleting outdated charts
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | running command: [helm upgrade --install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-install --create-namespace --wait]
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | Release "crossplane" does not exist. Installing it now.
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | NAME: crossplane
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr  9 10:54:18 2024
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | NAMESPACE: crossplane-system
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | STATUS: deployed
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | REVISION: 1
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | TEST SUITE: None
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | running command: [kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | created
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | running command: [kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3]
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | condition met
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | running command: [kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n crossplane-system --from-file=creds=./aws-creds.conf]
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | secret/aws-creds created
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | running command: [kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | created
    harness.go:360: running tests
    harness.go:73: going to run test suite with timeout of 30 seconds for each step
    harness.go:372: testsuite: tests/e2e/ has 1 tests
=== RUN   kuttl/harness
=== RUN   kuttl/harness/objectstorage
=== PAUSE kuttl/harness/objectstorage
=== CONT  kuttl/harness/objectstorage
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | objectstorage | Creating namespace: kuttl-test-just-lemur
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | objectstorage | objectstorage events from ns kuttl-test-just-lemur:
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | objectstorage | Deleting namespace: kuttl-test-just-lemur
=== CONT  kuttl
    harness.go:405: run tests finished
    harness.go:513: cleaning up
    harness.go:522: collecting cluster logs to kind-logs-1712652956
    harness.go:570: removing temp folder: "/tmp/kuttl1667306899"
    harness.go:576: tearing down kind cluster
--- PASS: kuttl (133.61s)
    --- PASS: kuttl/harness (0.00s)
        --- PASS: kuttl/harness/objectstorage (5.20s)

Create a kuttl test case

A kuttl test case is defined by the next directory level. Let's create one for our objectstorage composition:

mkdir tests/e2e/objectstorage

Create a kuttl test step 00-given-install-xrd-composition.yaml

Now we're where we wanted to be in the first place: Writing our first Crossplane-enabled kuttl TestStep.

Therefore create a new file called tests/e2e/objectstorage/00-given-install-xrd-composition.yaml:

kind: TestStep
  # Keep in mind that the apis dir is way up the folder hierachy relative to this TestStep!
  # Install the XRD
  - command: kubectl apply -f ../../../apis/objectstorage/definition.yaml
  # Install the Composition
  - command: kubectl apply -f ../../../apis/objectstorage/composition.yaml
  # Wait for XRD to become "established"
  - command: kubectl wait --for condition=established --timeout=20s xrd/

Here we install our Composite Resource Definition (XRD) followed by our Composition under test.

We also wait for the XRD to become established before proceeding to the next step.

If the kuttl logs show errors like the path "apis/objectstorage/definition.yaml" does not exist:

=== RUN   kuttl/harness
=== RUN   kuttl/harness/objectstorage
=== PAUSE kuttl/harness/objectstorage
=== CONT  kuttl/harness/objectstorage
    logger.go:42: 11:24:22 | objectstorage | Creating namespace: kuttl-test-hopeful-mustang
    logger.go:42: 11:24:22 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | starting test step 0-given-install-xrd-composition
    logger.go:42: 11:24:22 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | running command: [kubectl apply -f apis/objectstorage/definition.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 11:24:22 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | error: the path "apis/objectstorage/definition.yaml" does not exist
    logger.go:42: 11:24:22 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | command failure, skipping 1 additional commands
--- FAIL: kuttl (127.38s)
    --- FAIL: kuttl/harness (0.00s)
        --- FAIL: kuttl/harness/objectstorage (5.41s)

check the paths in your command statements! I missed this also in the first place, since in the TestSuite at kuttl-test.yaml everything worked relatively from the root dir. BUT remember, we're inside tests/e2e/objectstorage now! So we need to go up 3 dirs like ../../../apis/objectstorage/definition.yaml to fetch the correct file.

Create a kuttl test step 01-when-applying-claim.yaml

"In a test case's directory, each file that begins with the same index is considered a part of the same test step. All objects inside of a test step are operated on by the test harness simultaneously, so use separate test steps to order operations.""

As kuttl executes every 00-* prefixed test step found in the folder before proceeding to the 01-* one, we can have the 00-given-install-xrd-composition working as our preparation step for the other steps to come. Terminology is lent from BDD starting with given.

As we already know Crossplane now it's the time to apply the XR or Claim (XRC).

Therefore I created a tests/e2e/objectstorage/01-when-applying-claim.yaml, prefixed with a when according to BDD practices:

kind: TestStep
  # Create the XR/Claim
  - command: kubectl apply -f ../../../examples/objectstorage/claim.yaml

Here we apply our Claim residing in the examples dir.

Validate / Assert Resource rendering only (without AWS access)

It's crucial to use 01-assert as the name here, to get the assertion beeing started after the Claim has been applied.

The BDD term then can't really be integrated into the final assert step. But luckily it's named tests/e2e/objectstorage/01-assert.yaml:

kind: Bucket
  name: kuttl-test-bucket
    region: eu-central-1
kind: BucketACL
  name: kuttl-test-bucket-acl
    acl: public-read
    bucket: kuttl-test-bucket
      name: kuttl-test-bucket
    region: eu-central-1

This test step will be considered completed once our Managed resources rendered are matching the state that we have defined. If the state is not reached by the time the assert's timeout has expired, then the test step and case will be considered failed.

Be sure to define the exact metadata as in your Claim, otherwise kuttl won't find it and will give an error like this:

    logger.go:42: 15:54:03 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | test step failed 1-when-applying-claim
    logger.go:42: 15:54:03 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | "managed-upbound-s3" deleted
    case.go:364: failed in step 1-when-applying-claim
    case.go:366: no resources matched of kind:, Kind=ObjectStorage

Now run our test suite with

kubectl kuttl test --skip-cluster-delete

The --skip-cluster-delete will preserve the kind cluster, if our tests failed and thus speep up our development cycle - otherwise kind and the Crossplane installation/configuration will take place in every test run. Since kuttl will create a local kubeconfig file, it will also reuse the kind cluster automatically in subsequent runs of:

kubectl kuttl test --start-kind=false

A sole kubectl kuttl test will give KIND is already running, unable to start errors.

Assertion errors & fixes

If an error occurs like key is missing from map:

case.go:366: resource VPC:/: .spec.forProvider.instanceTenancy: key is missing from map

one needs to delete that entry from the 01-assert.yaml.

Even if something appears like

resource Subnet:/: value mismatch, expected: eu-central-1a != actual: eu-central-1b

Fix the key is missing from map first! Then the others might disappear.

Also for better readability, we run the kuttl tests one after another by using the parallel: 1 configuration in the `kuttl-test.yaml:

parallel: 1 # use parallel: 1 to execute one test after another (e.g. for better readability in CI logs)

If the kuttl output displayes something like failed to retrieve aws credentials from aws config: failed to refresh cached credentials, static credentials are empty:

+  atProvider: {}
+  conditions:
+  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-04-10T13:27:45Z"
+    message: 'connect failed: cannot initialize the Terraform plugin SDK async external
+      client: cannot get terraform setup: failed to retrieve aws credentials from
+      aws config: failed to refresh cached credentials, static credentials are empty'
+    reason: ReconcileError
+    status: "False"
+    type: Synced

Then you might only be using the AWS Provider in kuttl for testing Resource rendering only (without AWS access) missing real AWS credentials. That is no problem and can be ignored, if you only want to check rendering of Managed Resources.

Integration Testing: Configure AWS Provider in kuttl for testing actual infrastructure provisioning (with real AWS access)

To get this config working, we need to create a Secret containing our AWS credentials Crossplane can later use to access AWS. Therefore create an aws-creds.conf file (aws CLI should be installed and configured):

echo "[default]
aws_access_key_id = $(aws configure get aws_access_key_id)
aws_secret_access_key = $(aws configure get aws_secret_access_key)
" > aws-creds.conf

ATTENTION: Don't check aws-creds.conf into version control. The best is to add aws-creds.conf to your .gitignore.

Now inside our kuttl-test.yaml we add another command statements to create the Secret and configure the AWS Provider:

kind: TestSuite
timeout: 300 # We definitely need a higher timeout for the external AWS resources to become available
  # Install crossplane via Helm Renovate enabled (see
  - command: helm dependency update crossplane/install
  - command: helm upgrade --install --force crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane/install --create-namespace --wait

  # Install the crossplane Upbound AWS S3 Provider Family
  - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml
  # Wait until AWS Provider is up and running
  - command: kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3

  # Create AWS Provider secret (pre-deleting it to prevent errors like this while re-using the kuttl kind cluster)
  - command: kubectl delete secret aws-creds -n crossplane-system --ignore-not-found
  - command: kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n crossplane-system --from-file=creds=./aws-creds.conf
  # Create ProviderConfig to consume the Secret containing AWS credentials
  - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml
  - tests/e2e/
startKIND: true
kindContext: crossplane-test

Before we create the Secret we delete it :) Why? Because we want to omit errors like this:

error: failed to create secret secrets "aws-creds" already exists

See - The best approach using dry-run=client etc sadly doesn't work with kuttl producing a error: unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f error.

Also I configured a higher timeout for resources to become available via the timeout configuration of our TestSuite. Otherwise we'll run into errors like this soon:

case.go:364: failed in step 1-when-applying-claim
    case.go:366: command "kubectl wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=180s" exceeded 30 sec timeout, context deadline exceeded

This is only needed if we want our test to create external resources on AWS. If not, you can leave out the explicit timeout setting.

The final bit is to configure the AWS Provider via a ProviderConfig which is located in crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml:

kind: ProviderConfig
  name: default
    source: Secret
      namespace: crossplane-system
      name: aws-creds
      key: creds

Now running kubectl kuttl test should run like this preparing everything for testing with Crossplane:

$ kubectl kuttl test
=== RUN   kuttl
    harness.go:462: starting setup
    harness.go:249: running tests with KIND.
    harness.go:173: temp folder created /tmp/kuttl1667306899
    harness.go:155: Starting KIND cluster
    kind.go:66: Adding Containers to KIND...
    harness.go:275: Successful connection to cluster at:
    logger.go:42: 10:54:17 |  | running command: [helm dependency update crossplane-install]
    logger.go:42: 10:54:17 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 10:54:17 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 10:54:17 |  | Getting updates for unmanaged Helm repositories...
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | ...Successfully got an update from the "" chart repository
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | Saving 1 charts
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | Downloading crossplane from repo
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | Deleting outdated charts
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | running command: [helm upgrade --install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-install --create-namespace --wait]
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 10:54:18 |  | Release "crossplane" does not exist. Installing it now.
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | NAME: crossplane
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr  9 10:54:18 2024
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | NAMESPACE: crossplane-system
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | STATUS: deployed
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | REVISION: 1
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | TEST SUITE: None
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | running command: [kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | created
    logger.go:42: 10:54:41 |  | running command: [kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3]
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | condition met
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | running command: [kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n crossplane-system --from-file=creds=./aws-creds.conf]
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | secret/aws-creds created
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | running command: [kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 |  | created
    harness.go:360: running tests
    harness.go:73: going to run test suite with timeout of 30 seconds for each step
    harness.go:372: testsuite: tests/e2e/ has 1 tests
=== RUN   kuttl/harness
=== RUN   kuttl/harness/objectstorage
=== PAUSE kuttl/harness/objectstorage
=== CONT  kuttl/harness/objectstorage
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | objectstorage | Creating namespace: kuttl-test-just-lemur
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | objectstorage | objectstorage events from ns kuttl-test-just-lemur:
    logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | objectstorage | Deleting namespace: kuttl-test-just-lemur
=== CONT  kuttl
    harness.go:405: run tests finished
    harness.go:513: cleaning up
    harness.go:522: collecting cluster logs to kind-logs-1712652956
    harness.go:570: removing temp folder: "/tmp/kuttl1667306899"
    harness.go:576: tearing down kind cluster
--- PASS: kuttl (133.61s)
    --- PASS: kuttl/harness (0.00s)
        --- PASS: kuttl/harness/objectstorage (5.20s)

Validate / Assert for testing actual infrastructure provisioning (with real AWS access)

It's crucial to use 01-assert as the name here, to get the assertion beeing started after the Claim has been applied.

The BDD term then can't really be integrated into the final assert step. But luckily it's named tests/e2e/objectstorage/01-assert.yaml:

kind: TestAssert
timeout: 30 # override test suite's long timeout again to have fast results in assertion
# Clean up AWS resources if something goes wrong, see
- type: command
  command: kubectl delete -f ../../../examples/objectstorage/claim.yaml
kind: Bucket
  name: kuttl-test-bucket
    region: eu-central-1
kind: BucketACL
  name: kuttl-test-bucket-acl
    acl: public-read
    bucket: kuttl-test-bucket
      name: kuttl-test-bucket
    region: eu-central-1

This test step will be considered completed once our Managed resources rendered are matching the state that we have defined. If the state is not reached by the time the assert's timeout has expired, then the test step and case will be considered failed.

The following is only necessary for real external AWS infrastructure:

Using an explicit TestAssert definition here we're able to override the timeout again here to enable a faster test cycle. Otherwise the assertion would also wait for 300 seconds as defined in the test suite above.

Also we use a collector to make sure, a cleanup step is also run in case of an error.

Be sure to define the exact metadata as in your Claim, otherwise kuttl won't find it and will give an error like this:

    logger.go:42: 15:54:03 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | test step failed 1-when-applying-claim
    logger.go:42: 15:54:03 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | "managed-upbound-s3" deleted
    case.go:364: failed in step 1-when-applying-claim
    case.go:366: no resources matched of kind:, Kind=ObjectStorage

Now run our test suite with

kubectl kuttl test --skip-cluster-delete

The --skip-cluster-delete will preserve the kind cluster, if our tests failed and thus speep up our development cycle - otherwise kind and the Crossplane installation/configuration will take place in every test run. Since kuttl will create a local kubeconfig file, it will also reuse the kind cluster automatically in subsequent runs of:

kubectl kuttl test --start-kind=false

A sole kubectl kuttl test will give KIND is already running, unable to start errors.

You may even watch your AWS console, where the bucket gets created:

Cleanup after assertion

The following is only necessary for testing real external AWS infrastructure

We should also clean up all resources after the last assertion ran. Therefore let's create a 02-* step like in tests/e2e/objectstorage/02-cleanup.yaml:

kind: TestStep
  # Cleanup AWS resources
  - command: kubectl delete -f ../../../examples/objectstorage/claim.yaml

This should make sure, that our Bucket get's deleted in the end - when everything went fine. If not, we have configured our collector inside the TestAssert config.

A full Crossplane featured kuttl test run should look somehow like this:

kubectl kuttl test
=== RUN   kuttl
    harness.go:462: starting setup
    harness.go:249: running tests with KIND.
    harness.go:173: temp folder created /tmp/kuttl2687417911
    harness.go:155: Starting KIND cluster
    kind.go:66: Adding Containers to KIND...
    harness.go:275: Successful connection to cluster at:
    logger.go:42: 16:26:23 |  | running command: [helm dependency update crossplane-install]
    logger.go:42: 16:26:24 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 16:26:24 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 16:26:24 |  | Getting updates for unmanaged Helm repositories...
    logger.go:42: 16:26:24 |  | ...Successfully got an update from the "" chart repository
    logger.go:42: 16:26:24 |  | Saving 1 charts
    logger.go:42: 16:26:25 |  | Downloading crossplane from repo
    logger.go:42: 16:26:25 |  | Deleting outdated charts
    logger.go:42: 16:26:25 |  | running command: [helm upgrade --install --force crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-install --create-namespace --wait]
    logger.go:42: 16:26:25 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 16:26:25 |  | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/kubeconfig
    logger.go:42: 16:26:25 |  | Release "crossplane" does not exist. Installing it now.
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | NAME: crossplane
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr  9 16:26:25 2024
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | NAMESPACE: crossplane-system
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | STATUS: deployed
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | REVISION: 1
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | TEST SUITE: None
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | running command: [kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | created
    logger.go:42: 16:26:47 |  | running command: [kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3]
    logger.go:42: 16:27:53 |  | condition met
    logger.go:42: 16:27:53 |  | running command: [kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n crossplane-system --from-file=creds=./aws-creds.conf]
    logger.go:42: 16:27:53 |  | secret/aws-creds created
    logger.go:42: 16:27:53 |  | running command: [kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 |  | created
    harness.go:360: running tests
    harness.go:73: going to run test suite with timeout of 300 seconds for each step
    harness.go:372: testsuite: tests/e2e/ has 1 tests
=== RUN   kuttl/harness
=== RUN   kuttl/harness/objectstorage
=== PAUSE kuttl/harness/objectstorage
=== CONT  kuttl/harness/objectstorage
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage | Creating namespace: kuttl-test-many-bengal
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | starting test step 0-given-install-xrd-composition
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | running command: [kubectl apply -f ../../../apis/objectstorage/definition.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | created
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | running command: [kubectl apply -f ../../../apis/objectstorage/composition.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | created
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | running command: [kubectl wait --for condition=established --timeout=20s xrd/]
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | condition met
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/0-given-install-xrd-composition | test step completed 0-given-install-xrd-composition
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | starting test step 1-when-applying-claim
    logger.go:42: 16:27:54 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | running command: [kubectl apply -f ../../../examples/objectstorage/claim.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 16:27:56 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | created
    logger.go:42: 16:27:56 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | running command: [kubectl wait --for condition=Ready --timeout=180s]
    logger.go:42: 16:29:58 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | condition met
    logger.go:42: 16:29:58 | objectstorage/1-when-applying-claim | test step completed 1-when-applying-claim
    logger.go:42: 16:29:58 | objectstorage/2-cleanup | starting test step 2-cleanup
    logger.go:42: 16:29:58 | objectstorage/2-cleanup | running command: [kubectl delete -f ../../../examples/objectstorage/claim.yaml]
    logger.go:42: 16:29:58 | objectstorage/2-cleanup | "managed-upbound-s3" deleted
    logger.go:42: 16:29:58 | objectstorage/2-cleanup | test step completed 2-cleanup
    logger.go:42: 16:29:58 | objectstorage | objectstorage events from ns kuttl-test-many-bengal:
    logger.go:42: 16:29:58 | objectstorage | Deleting namespace: kuttl-test-many-bengal
=== CONT  kuttl
    harness.go:405: run tests finished
    harness.go:513: cleaning up
    harness.go:522: collecting cluster logs to kind-logs-1712673003
    harness.go:570: removing temp folder: "/tmp/kuttl2687417911"
    harness.go:576: tearing down kind cluster
--- PASS: kuttl (247.84s)
    --- PASS: kuttl/harness (0.00s)
        --- PASS: kuttl/harness/objectstorage (129.44s)

Doing it all with GitHub Actions

In order to receive all the benefits of testing, we should execute the kuttl tests on a regular basis and on any updates occuring (triggered by Renovate for example). Thus I did all the steps above in GitHub Actions again `.github/workflows/kuttl-crossplane-aws.yml:

name: kuttl-crossplane-aws

on: [push]

# Secrets configuration is only needed for real external AWS infrastructure
  # AWS
  AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: 'eu-central-1'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@master

      # Secrets configuration is only needed for real external AWS infrastructure
      - name: Prepare AWS access via aws-creds.conf
        run: |
          echo "### Create aws-creds.conf file"
          echo "[default]
          aws_access_key_id = $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
          aws_secret_access_key = $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
          " > aws-creds.conf

      - name: Install kuttl & run Crossplane featured kuttl tests
        run: |
          echo "### Add homebrew to path as described in"
          eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
          echo "### Install kuttl via brew"
          brew tap kudobuilder/tap
          brew install kuttl-cli

          echo "### Let's try to use kuttl"
          kubectl kuttl --version

          echo "### Run Crossplane featured kuttl tests"
          kubectl kuttl test


Uptest is CURRENTLY NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS REPO! Only saving the following docs for later, when uptest is really ready to be used by people outside of Upbound

The end to end integration testing tool for Crossplane providers and configurations.

Uptest is based on & generates a kuttl test case based on the provided input. You can even inspect the generated kuttl test case by checking the temporary test directory which is printed in the beginning of uptest e2e output.

Uptest expects a running control-plane (a.k.a. k8s + crossplane) where required providers are running and/or required configuration were applied.

So running uptest without a working Crossplane managed cluster setup isn't possible (like this or this one). This is also stated when running the uptest e2e command:

"Run e2e tests for manifests by applying them to a control plane and waiting until a given condition is met."

Install uptest

"Uptest comes as a binary which can be installed from the releases section."

Strangely this currently means, the binary is available from - but not from!

# For Mac ARM
curl -sfLo uptest ""

# For Linux / WSL
curl -sfLo uptest ""

# any OS
chmod +x uptest
sudo mv uptest /usr/local/bin

If this went well, the uptest command should work on your system:

$ uptest e2e --help
usage: uptest e2e [<flags>] [<manifest-list>]

Run e2e tests for manifests by applying them to a control plane and waiting until a given condition is met.

  --help                         Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --data-source=""               File path of data source that will be used for injection some values.
  --setup-script=""              Script that will be executed before running tests.
  --teardown-script=""           Script that will be executed after running tests.
  --default-timeout=1200         Default timeout in seconds for the test. Timeout could be overridden per resource
                                 using "" annotation.
  --default-conditions="Ready"   Comma separated list of default conditions to wait for a successful test.
                                 Conditions could be overridden per resource using ""
  --skip-delete                  Skip the delete step of the test.
                                 Directory where kuttl test case will be generated and executed.
  --only-clean-uptest-resources  While deletion step, only clean resources that were created by uptest

  [<manifest-list>]  List of manifests. Value of this option will be used
                     to trigger/configure the tests.The possible usage:
                     'provider-aws/examples/s3/bucket.yaml,provider-gcp/examples/storage/bucket.yaml': The comma
                     separated resources are used as test inputs. If this option is not set, 'MANIFEST_LIST' env var
                     is used as default.

Use Uptest

As mentioned above you need to have a working Crossplane setup in place (like this or this one)!

The repository contains GitHub Action bases examples of workflows using uptest e2e.

See for example this workflow:

It may be used like this:

Since uptest is based on kuttl, we need to install it before - see upbound/official-providers-ci#153. Otherwise we'll get errors like:

uptest e2e examples/objectstorage/claim.yaml --test-directory="$PWD/temp/uptest-e2e" --setup-script="test/"
Running kuttl tests at /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-objectstorage/temp/uptest-e2e
bash: line 1: : command not found
uptest: error: cannot run e2e tests successfully: cannot execute tests: kuttl failed: exit status 127

Before executing uptest, we need to define the following environment varibable:

export KUTTL='kubectl kuttl'  

So here we go, let's test our simple Bucket composition:

uptest e2e examples/objectstorage/claim.yaml --test-directory="$PWD/temp/uptest-e2e" --setup-script="test/"

TODO: Didn't get it to work though. Seems that upbound/official-providers-ci#153 (comment) is correct currently :(
