Provides a simple way to make measurement conversions between METRIC and IMPERIAL systems.
A special thanks to @lat94 for being my guinea pig and for the suggestions 😊.
Step 1: add the dependency
Step 2: add the repository
Step 3: install the package
mvn install -U
Adding the annotations to my object
import io.jonathan.converter.MeasurementConvert;
import static io.jonathan.converter.Measurement.CELSIUS;
import static io.jonathan.converter.Measurement.FAHRENHEIT;
public record ExampleEntity(
//the value in numeric form, which receives <conversion>
@MeasurementConvert(current = CELSIUS, metric = CELSIUS, imperial = FAHRENHEIT)
Double temperatureNum,
//the value in text form, which receives <conversion> + <symbol>
@MeasurementConvert(current = CELSIUS, metric = CELSIUS, imperial = FAHRENHEIT)
String temperatureTxt,
//other values of the entity remained untouched
String notTouchValue
) {
Applying the systems
public static void main(String[] args) {
var input = new ExampleEntity(38.0, "38", "hey");
//applying the metric system
.ifPresent(metricOutput -> {
//applying the imperial system
.ifPresent(imperialOutput -> {
public @interface MeasurementConvert {
* The unit of measurement in which the object will be instantiated
Measurement current() default Measurement.NONE;
* The desired unit of measurement when the metric system was applied
Measurement metric() default Measurement.NONE;
* The desired unit of measurement when the imperial system was applied
Measurement imperial() default Measurement.NONE;
* Controls the output format in DECIMAL(#.##) or INTEGER(#)
String formatter() default Processor.DECIMAL;
To add new measurement conversion functions, follow these steps:
- Create a class that implements the MeasurementConvertFunction interface.
public class MyNewFunction implements MeasurementConvertFunction {
public Measurement from() {
return null;
public Measurement to() {
return null;
public Double apply(Double value) {
return 0.0;
public Double reverse(Double value) {
return 0.0;
- Register your conversion function.
MeasurementConvertProcessor.registerConversionFunctions(new MyNewFunction());