☀️ I am ready to start my first tech role having graduated from the School of Code's intensive full-stack bootcamp. I have a passion for combining analytical thinking with creative problem-solving. As a former teacher and musician, I enjoy learning from and tailoring my communication to those around me. Along with a methodical approach, I have a growing appreciation for secure and efficient code and I thrive in collaborative, innovative environments. I commit to immersing myself in up-to-date technologies and current best practices while honing my fundamentals.
- 💼 I'm currently working on: 💻 A Spotify Data Analysis project in Streamlit
- 🌱 I'm currently learning: Machine Learning, 📚 Clean Code by Robert Cecil Martin
- 💬 Ask me about: 💡 Python, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, Typescript, and RESTful APIs
- ⚡ Fun fact: 🎸 I'm a former professional guitarist & music teacher 🛥️ I've performed & lived on cruise ships