Lectures for ENVT3065 - sustainability-and-challenges, ULiège, October - December 2021.
This course is available for all master students of the Applied Science Faculty and the Science Faculty. Contact me directly (jdumas@uliege.be) if you want to register.
WARNING: due to problems of agendas between the students of the applied science and science faculties, there are two slots: Tuesday 09:00 AM - 12:30 AM (B28 R.75) and Friday 13:45 - 17:15 (B28 R21). You will be informed of when each lecture is performed.
- Instructors:
- Jonathan Dumas: Ph.D. candidate and teaching assistant
- Xavier Fettweis: Research associate FNRS and climatologist
- Bertrand Cornélusse: Associate professor
- Sylvain Quoilin: Research associate FNRS (to be confirmed)
- Invited speakers:
- François Rigo: FNRS research fellow
- Antoine Dubois: FNRS research fellow
- Oriane Sarrasin: Lecturer at the University of Lausanne
- Climate collage facilitators:
- Antoine Dubois: FNRS research fellow
- Sarah Robinet: FNRS research fellow
- Eva Joskin: research engineer
- When: October - December 2021 -> due to problems of agendas between the students of the applied science and science faculties, there are two slots: Tuesday 09:00 AM - 12:30 AM (B28 R.75) and Friday 13:45 - 17:15 (B28 R21). We will discuss if we keep one or both when all the students know their agenda.
- Classroom: Lectures are live at B28 R.75 (presence is mandatory) and will be recorded (if possible) and available on Youtube.
- Agenda: there may be some changes to both satisfy the students of the Applied Science and Science faculties.-> Students registered will be contacted if there is any change of agenda.
Date | Topic |
14/09/2021 B28 R.75 | Lecture 0: kick-off [J. DUMAS] [30 min] Lecture 1: part 1 (activity) Ice breaker (each student presents himself/herself to someone else and asks what is sustainability for him/her, they talk to each other during 2-3 min and we change of person) [J. DUMAS] [30 min] Lecture 1: part 2 (presentation) Sustainability challenges, VIDEO AVAILABLE! [J. DUMAS] [1h30] Lecture 1: part 3 (activity) Q&A, debate or read and analyze a scientific article on this topic such as Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet [J. DUMAS][1h00] |
21/09/2021 B28 R.78 and 24/09/2021 B.28 R.21 | Lecture 2: part 1 (activity) Climate fresk [J. DUMAS] [4h00] |
05/10/2021 9 am B28 R.21 | Lecture 3: (presentation) Climate Change pdf and the video [X. Fettweis] [3h00] Announcement of the first assignment: Should we close Belgian nuclear power plants ... to open gas power plants? Analyze and discuss pros and cons in a report (max 1 page) and present it (1 min of presentation). It will be part of the course grade, and the presentations will be conducted during Lecture 6. |
08/10/2021 2:00 pm (14h00) B28 R21 | Lecture 4: part 1 (presentation) [Interactions between climate, economy & energy] based on video or (activity) dicuss the video « Modéliser l'avenir de l'humanité - Heu?reka » [J. DUMAS][1h30] Lecture 4: part 2 (presentation) Climate change and psychology pdf and the video [O. Sarrasin][1h30] |
12/10/2021 9 am B28 R.21 and 15/10/2021 1:45 pm B28 R.21 | Lecture 5: (activity) myC02 [F. Rigo] [3h00] Bring your laptop or tablet to use myC02! |
19/10/2021 9 am B28 R.21 | Lecture 6: part 1 (presentation) You me & climate pdf and the video [J. DUMAS] [2h30] Lecture 6: part 2 (activity) Q&A, debate on the presentation [J. DUMAS] [1h00] Lecture 6: part 3 (activity) analyze the report Belgium Energy Outlook 2050, main results of the report or IEA net zero emission [J. DUMAS][2h00] |
26/10 9 am B28 R.21 and 29/10 1:45 pm B28 R.21 | Lecture 7: assignement 1 presentation then (activity) Digital collage [J. DUMAS] [4h00] |
09/11 9 am B28 R.21 and 19/11 1:45 pm B28 R.21 | Lecture 8: (activity) analyze the reports of The Shift Project (a French think tank advocating the shift to a post-carbon economy) on sustainable ICT: Deploying digital sobriety, Lean ICT: towards digital sobriety, and Climate: the unsustainable use of online video [J. DUMAS] [2h00] |
23/11/2021 9 am B28 R.21 | Lecture 9: part 1 Energy futures 2050: production mix scenarios under study to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 RTE reports, RTE video, and the presentation of Bertrand Lecture 9: part 2 Energy management in residential houses and the recorded video [B. Cornélusse][2h00] |
30/11/2021 10 am B28 R.21 and 03/12/2021 1:30 pm B28 R.21 | Lecture 10: Renewable energies and Renewable energy systems: challenges and modeling [S. Quoilin] [2h00] |
07/12/2021 9 am B28 R.21 and 10/12/2021 1:45 pm B28 R.21 | Lecture 11: part 1 present the second assignment Lecture 11: part 2 (feedbacks) +, -, add, remove, keep [J. DUMAS] [30 min] |
14/12/2021 9 am B28 R.21 and 17/12/2021 1:45 pm B28 R.21 | Lecture 12: present the final assingment |
Assignment 1: Should we close Belgian nuclear power plants ... to open gas power plants? [10%]
Analyze and discuss pros and cons in a report (max 1 page) and present it (1 min of presentation). The presentations will be conducted during Lectures 7-8.
Assignment 2: technical report analysis. [20%]
In a group of 2/3, select one of the following studies:
- Future oil supply: what are the risks for Europe ?;
- Flying in 2050: What aviation in a constrained world ?;
- Environmental impact of digital: 5-year trends and 5G governance.
Write a report (10 pages max) that comments on the study: pros and cons of the methodology/data adopted/used, comments/discuss the main conclusions, are the conclusions justified?, what are the key implications of the conclusions in terms of sustainability?, is the topic relevant ... Present your work (10 minutes max) in Lecture 11. When submitting the report, specify the names of the student's group with the ID number on the first page.
Final assignment: educational tool analysis. [30%]
In a group of 2/3, pick a tool to teach sustainability conducted in this course (climate or digital fresk, myC02, a conference on the carbon footprint, ...) and analyze its pros and cons. Write a report (15 pages max) with your analysis. Present your work (15 minutes max) in Lecture 12. When submitting the report, specify the names of the student's group with the ID number on the first page.
Participation to collages and activities [30%]
Climate Change:
- IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in a few key points. Rapport du GIEC : rappel des points clés, French, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- IPCC - AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Summary for Policymakers, English, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- Plateforme wallonne pour le GIEC, Lettre n°21 - Édition spéciale - Août 2021. Aperçu du Résumé pour les décideurs, French, last accessed on 05/10/2021
- La Plateforme wallonne pour le GIEC, Lettre n°13 - avril 2019. 'Sauver le climat' : les bases, French, last accessed on 05/10/2021
- Understanding our climate and its future : a review of the IPCC AR6 Part1! Podcast French, Podcast English, last accessed on 14/10/2021
- IPCC. all reports, English, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- Le Réveilleur. Comprendre le GIEC et ses rapports, French, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- Bon Pote. Synthèse et analyse du nouveau rapport du GIEC, French, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- La Plateforme wallonne pour le GIEC. Lettres d'information, French, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- Energie et changement climatique. Cours de J-M Jancovici aux Mines de Paris, French, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- European Green Deal, English, last accessed on 19/10/2021
Sustainability developpement:
- The Shift Project is a French think tank advocating the shift to a post-carbon economy. Reports on various topics linked to sustainability, French, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- Every year, the Emissions Gap Report signals the difference between where greenhouse emissions are predicted to be in 2030 and where they should be to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Emissions Gap Report 2020, English, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- The International Energy Agency (IEA) is committed to shaping a secure and sustainable energy future for all. Net Zero by 2050 A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector, English, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- This publication presents the simplified energy balance sheets for 2018, key indicators and time series of key elements of energy balances and statistics for recent years as well as energy flow charts for year 2018. Energy balance sheets 2020 Eurostat, English, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- This publication presents the "EU Reference Scenario 2020", which projects the impact of macro-economic, fuel price and technology trends and policies on the evolution of the EU energy system, on transport, and on their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. EU reference scenario 2020 Energy, transport and GHG emissions : trends to 2050, English, last accessed on 29/09/2021
Belgian energy system transition:
- The EnergyScope Typical Days open source model, which optimises both the investment and the operation strategy of a complete energy system for a target year, is used to analyse the Belgian energy system in 2035 for different carbon emission targets, and accounting for electricity, heat, and mobility. Belgian Energy Transition: What Are the Options?, English, last accessed on 29/09/2021
- Les perspectives énergétiques du Bureau Fédéral du Plan décrivent l’évolution à politique inchangée du système énergétique Belge jusqu'en 2050. L'analyse de ces perspectives permet d’évaluer, au niveau belge, la nécessité ou non d'adopter et l’ampleur des politiques et mesures supplémentaires compte tenu du cadre européen 2030 pour le Climat et l'Énergie et de la transition vers une société bas carbone en 2050. Le paysage énergétique belge à l’horizon 2050 - Perspectives à politique inchangée, French, last accessed on 29/09/2021
Carbon footprint:
- The High Council on Climate (HCC) is an independent body tasked with issuing advice and recommendations to the French government on the delivery of public measures and policies aimed at reducing France's greenhouse gas emissions. HCC website, French, last accessed on 30/09/2021
- Un résumé du troisième rapport annuel du Haut conseil pour le climat sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre en France. Rapport, French, last accessed on 30/09/2021
- Lettre numéro 9 de la plateforme Wallonne pour le GIEC. Empreinte carbone : De quelles émissions sommes-nous responsables et comment les réduire ?, French, last accessed on 30/09/2021
- Federal Planning Bureau: Belgium’s Carbon Footprint Calculations based on a national accounts consistent global multi-regional input-output table. Report, English, last accessed on 30/09/2021
- Le rapport "Faire sa part" de Carbone 4 qui met en perspective l’impact des entreprises et de l’état, French, last accessed on 18/10/2021
- The EU ETS is a cornerstone of the EU's policy to combat climate change and its key tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively. EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), English, last accessed on 19/10/2021
- Carbon footprint simulator developed by Carbone4: myC02, French, last accessed on 17/12/2021
- Open source carbon footprint simulator developed by ADEME: simulator, French, last accessed on 17/12/2021
Energy return on investment:
- Hall, Charles AS, Stephen Balogh, and David JR Murphy. "What is the minimum EROI that a sustainable society must have?." Energies 2.1 (2009): 25-47. Article, English, last accessed on 30/09/2021
- Lambert, Jessica G., et al. "Energy, EROI and quality of life." Energy Policy 64 (2014): 153-167. Article, English, last accessed on 30/09/2021
- Limpens, Gauthier, and Hervé Jeanmart. "Electricity storage needs for the energy transition: An EROI based analysis illustrated by the case of Belgium." Energy 152 (2018): 960-973. Article, English, last accessed on 30/09/2021