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The Learning Environment (AgarLE) is a performant implementation of the popular online multi-player game along with an OpenAI Gym interface suitable for reinforcement learning in Python.



Clone this repository (with submodules)

git clone --recursive

run the included installation script

python install


Installation will have installed the python module gym_agario, which when imported registers the AgarLE gym environments. You need only import gym_agario and then make an environment in the standard way

import gym
import gym_agario
env = gym.make("agario-grid-v0")
game_state = env.reset()
print(game_state.shape) # (128, 128, 10) , (grid_size, grid_size, num_channels)

action = np.array([0, 0]), 0  # don't move, don't split
while True:
  game_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
  if done: break

The game and observation space are highly configurable. You can change the parameters of the game and observation properties like so (default configuration shown).

config = {
  'ticks_per_step':  4,     # Number of game ticks per step
  'num_frames':      2,     # Number of game ticks observed at each step
  'arena_size':      1000,  # Game arena size
  'num_pellets':     1000,
  'num_viruses':     25,
  'num_bots':        25,
  'pellet_regen':    True,  # Whether pellets regenerate randomly when eaten
  'grid_size':       128,   # Size of spatial dimensions of observations
  'observe_cells':   True,  # Include an observation channel with agent's cells
  'observe_others':  True,  # Include an observation channel with other players' cells
  'observe_viruses': True,  # Include an observation channel with viruses
  'observe_pellets': True   # Include an observation channel with pellets

env = gym.make("agario-grid-v0", **config)

Multi-Agent Environments

This gym supports multiple agents in the same game. By default, there will only be a single agent, and the gym will conform to the typical gym interface (note that there may still be any number of "bots" in the environment). However, if you pass "multi_agent": True to the environment configuration then the environment will have multiple agents all interacting within the same game simultaneously.

env = gym.make("agario-grid-v0", **{
    "multi_agent": True,
    "num_agents": 5

With this configuration, the environment will no longer conform to the typical OpenAI gym interface in the following ways.

  1. step() will expect a list of actions of the same length as the number of agents, which specifies the action for each agent.

  2. The return value of step() will be a list of observations, list of rewards, and list of dones each with length equal to the number of agents. The i'th elements of each lists correspond to the ith agent consistently throughout the episode.

  3. reset() will return a list of observations of length equal to the number of agents.

  4. When an agent is "done", observations for that agent will be None. The environment may still be stepped while there is at least one agent that is not "done". Only when all agents are done must the environment be reset.

Note that if you pass num_agents greater than 1, multi_agent will be set True automatically.


Currently compilation/installation is only working with Clang, so if you're on Linux then you'll need to set your C++ compiler to Clang in your environment before installing.

CXX=`which clang++`

The only environment which has been tested extensively is agario-grid-v0, although the RAM environment agario-ram-v0 and screen environment agario-screen-v0 should work with some coaxing. The agario-screen-v0 requires a window manager to work so will not work on headless Linux machines, for instance. Calling render will only work if the executable has been built with rendering turned on as can be done by following the advanced set up guide. Rendering will not work with the "screen" environment, despite the fact that that environment uses the screen image as the environment's observation.

Advanced setup

In order to play the game yourself or enable rendering in the gym environment, you will need to build the game client yourself on a system where OpenGL has been installed. This is most likely to succeed on macOS, but will probably work on Linux. Issue the following commands

git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j 2 client agarle

This will output an executable named client in the directory agario

agario/client  # play the game

If you also build the agarle target, then a python-importable dynamic library (i.e. *.so file) named agarle will have been produced. To use it, copy it into the "site packages" for your Python interpreter like so:

cp environment/agarle* `python -m site --user-site`

The underlying gym environments may be compiled such that calling render() will render the game onto the screen. This feature is turned off by default for performance and portability reasons, but can be turned on during compilation by using the following cmake command instead of the one shown above.


About OpenAI Gym Learning Environment







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Contributors 3
