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Repository containing example usage of the DEcomposition and Component Analysis of Exponential Signals (DECAES) tool.

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This repository contains examples demonstrating usage of the DEcomposition and Component Analysis of Exponential Signals (DECAES) tool, a fast implementation of the MATLAB toolbox from the UBC MRI Research Centre written in the open-source Julia programming language. The source code for DECAES can be found at the DECAES.jl package repository. For an introduction to Julia, see the Julia documentation.

DECAES provides methods for performing fast multiexponential analysis tailored to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. Voxelwise T2-distributions of multi spin-echo MRI images are computed by projecting measured MR signals onto basis signals using regularized nonnegative least-squares (NNLS); basis signals are computed using the extended phase graph (EPG) algorithm with additional stimulated echo correction. Post-processing these T2-distributions allows for computating measures such as the myelin water fraction (MWF) used in myelin water imaging (MWI) and the luminal water fraction (LWF) used in luminal water imaging (LWI).


Dev Source

Refer to the DECAES documentation for in-depth descriptions of the command line interface, a Julia API reference for using DECAES from within Julia, and DECAES internals and algorithmic details.

If you use DECAES in your research, please cite our work:

  title = {{{DECAES}} - {{DEcomposition}} and {{Component Analysis}} of {{Exponential Signals}}},
  author = {Doucette, Jonathan and Kames, Christian and Rauscher, Alexander},
  year = {2020},
  month = may,
  issn = {1876-4436},
  doi = {10.1016/j.zemedi.2020.04.001},
  journal = {Zeitschrift Fur Medizinische Physik},
  keywords = {Brain,Luminal Water Imaging,MRI,Myelin Water Imaging,Prostate},
  language = {eng},
  pmid = {32451148}


Example usage of the DECAES command line interface (CLI) to process two example multi spin-echo images provided in the data/ folder of this repository. See the tutorial below for detailed descriptions of the CLI arguments.

$ julia --project=@decaes -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("DECAES");"DECAES")' # build DECAES CLI

$ decaes \ # run CLI launcher script stored in ~/.julia/bin
> data/images/image-194x110x1x56.nii.gz \ # multi spin-echo images to process
> data/images/image-194x110x8x56.nii.gz \
> --mask \
> data/masks/image-194x110x1x56_mask.nii.gz \ # brain masks corresponding to input images
> data/masks/image-194x110x8x56_mask.nii.gz \
> --output output/quickstart/ \ # output directory
> --T2map \ # compute T2 distribution and derived quantities, e.g. geometric mean T2
> --T2part \ # compute T2-parts from T2 distribution, e.g. myelin water fraction
> --TE 7e-3 \ # uniform echo spacing (seconds)
> --nT2 40 \ # number of T2 components
> --T2Range 7e-3 2.0 \ # range of logarithmically-spaced T2 components (seconds)
> --SPWin 7e-3 25e-3 \ # small peak window/short T2 range
> --MPWin 25e-3 200e-3 \ # middle peak window/long T2 range
> --Reg lcurve # regularization method (L-curve recommended)


(Optional) cloning this repository

Cloning this repository is not necessary to use DECAES. However, this repository provides the following items which may prove useful to new users of the package:

  • Example MWI data, brain masks, and a corresponding script illustrating how to process the example data
  • The decaes.m MATLAB function for installing DECAES and calling DECAES from MATLAB

Clone this repository using git clone from the command line, or by clicking Code -> Download ZIP in the top right of this page.

Downloading Julia

To use DECAES, Julia version 1.9 or higher is required. We recommend always installing the latest version of Julia via the juliaup official cross-platform Julia installer. Please refer to the Julia downloads page for installation instructions.

Installing DECAES (Command Line Interface)

Using Julia v1.9 or later you can install DECAES as follows:

$ julia --project=@decaes -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("DECAES");"DECAES")'

This will add DECAES.jl to a named Julia project environment separate from your global environment, and build the decaes launcher script at ~/.julia/bin for running DECAES from the command line.

Simiarly, DECAES can be updated to the latest version via

$ julia --project=@decaes -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.update("DECAES");"DECAES")'

Installing DECAES (MATLAB)

Download the MATLAB function decaes.m provided by this repository. DECAES will be installed the first time decaes.m is invoked, e.g. by running decaes --help in the MATLAB console. A Julia project folder .decaes is created in the same directory as decaes.m.

The DECAES version used by decaes.m can be updated by running decaes --update in the MATLAB console, or by deleting the .decaes folder which will trigger re-installation the next time decaes.m is called.


DECAES contains many parameters for performing T2 distribution analysis. For most parameters, we defer to the documentation.

Here we describe the most important parameters, which we have chosen to make required arguments. These parameters should be set carefully according to the scan parameters used when acquiring the image, and most importantly, should be set consistently when comparing results.

Required arguments:

  • MatrixSize: image matrix size (inferred from input image when using CLI)
  • nTE: number of echoes (inferred from input image when using CLI)
  • TE: echo time (units: seconds). Must correspond to scanning protocol
  • nT2: number of T2 bins. Typically, nT2 = 40 will be a good default, but note that increasing nT2 or otherwise decreasing the spacing between T2 values (such as by decreasing the width of T2Range) requires more regularization
  • T2Range: range of logarithmically-spaced T2 values (units: seconds). The lower bound should be on the order of TE, as T2 components much smaller than TE are not well captured by the MSE signal. Similarly, the upper bound of the T2Range typically should not be much higher than a small multiple of the last sampled echo time nTE * TE, as arbitrarily high T2 values cannot be recovered
  • SPWin and MPWin: small and middle peak windows SPWin and MPWin (units: seconds)
    • For myelin water imaging, the myelin vs. intra/extra-cellular water cutoff should be chosen based on the T2 distribution. For example, plotting the mean T2 distribution over white matter voxels should reveal two distinct peaks from which a cutoff value can be chosen. Typical values may be SPWin = [TE, 25e-3] and MPWin = [25e-3, 200e-3], where SPWin controls the myelin water window and MPWin controls the I/E water window
    • For luminal water imaging (LWI), MPWin controls the luminal water window. Typical values may be SPWin = [TE, 200e-3] and MPWin = [200e-3, T2Range(2)], where T2Range(2) is the upper bound of T2Range
  • Reg: regularization method. DECAES provides three methods to automatically determine the regularization parameter mu for the Tikhonov regularization term:
    • "lcurve": choose mu by locating the point of maximum curvature on the L-curve. This method is parameter-free; see the documentation
    • "gcv": choose mu using the generalized cross-validation (GCV) method. This method is parameter-free; see the documentation
    • "chi2": choose mu implicitly by specifying a (typically small) amount by which the squared-norm of the regularized residual vector should increase relative to the unregularized residual vector. This method requires an additional parameter Chi2Factor, typically equal to 1.01 or 1.02; see the documentation

Command Line Interface

There are two equivalent ways to use the command line interface (CLI), assuming DECAES is already installed:

1. (Recommended) decaes launcher: Use the script ~/.julia/bin/decaes which comes with DECAES:



Add ~/.julia/bin to your PATH to avoid writing the full path ~/.julia/bin/decaes.

2. Julia -e flag: Call the DECAES CLI from Julia directly using the -e (for "evaluate") flag:

$ julia --project=@decaes --threads=auto -e 'using DECAES; main()' -- <COMMAND LINE ARGS>

The decaes launcher is in fact just a thin wrapper script around a command like this one.


The flag --threads=auto enables parallel processing, which is critical for maximizing DECAES performance.

Hereafter, we will use the decaes launcher. The full list of command line arguments is detailed in the documentation, and can also be listed by running decaes --help.

The CLI takes image files as inputs and performs one or both of T2-distribution computation and T2-parts analysis, the latter of which performs post-processing of the T2-distribution to calculate parameters such as the MWF or LWF. Data must be stored as (x, y, z, echotime) for multi-echo input data, or (x, y, z, amplitude) for T2-distribution input data. The input image must be one of the following file types:

  1. NIfTI file with extension .nii, or gzip compressed NIfTI file with extension .nii.gz
  2. MATLAB file with extension .mat
  3. Philips PAR/REC file pair with extensions .par and .rec (or .PAR and .REC)
  4. Philips XML/REC file pair with extensions .xml and .rec (or .XML and .REC)

All output files are saved as .mat files in format v7.3; see the documentation for more information.


If your data is in DICOM format, the freely available dcm2niix tool is able to convert DICOM files into NIfTI format.

The DECAES CLI aims to give users the ability to compute e.g. myelin water fraction maps from the command line and afterwards continue using the programming language of their choice. As such, using the CLI does not require any knowledge of Julia, only the installation steps above need to be completed. Indeed, one may call the CLI directly from within MATLAB using the decaes.m file provided by this repository.

The examples to follow should be run from within the mwiexamples folder.

Basic usage

Process a single input image, setting only the required parameters:

$ decaes data/images/image-194x110x1x56.nii.gz \
> --T2map --T2part --TE 7e-3 --nT2 40 \
> --T2Range 7e-3 2.0 --SPWin 7e-3 25e-3 --MPWin 25e-3 200e-3 --Reg lcurve \
> --output output/basic/
  • The 4D image file data/images/image-194x110x1x56.nii.gz is passed as the first argument
  • The flags --T2map and --T2part are passed, indicating that both T2-distribution computation and T2-parts analysis (to compute e.g. the myelin water fraction) will be performed
  • The flag --TE is passed with argument 7e-3, setting the echo times to 7 ms, 14 ms, ...
  • The flag --nT2 is passed with argument 40, setting the number of T2 components to 40
  • The flag --T2Range is passed with argument 7e-3 2.0 to set the range of T2 values for the T2-distribution; the --SPWin and --MPWin flags similarly set the short peak and middle peak windows
  • The flag --Reg is passed with argument lcurve, specifying that the L-curve regularization method will be used
  • The flag --output is passed with argument output/basic/. The folder output/basic/ will be created if it does not already exist, and the T2-distribution and T2-parts results will be stored there as .mat files.

See the arguments section of the documentation for more information on command line arguments.

Passing image masks

Image masks can be passed, causing voxels outside the mask to be ignored. Masked voxels in output maps will be filled with NaN values. We can process the image file data/images/image-194x110x8x56.nii.gz using the brain mask data/masks/image-194x110x8x56_mask.nii.gz as follows:

$ decaes data/images/image-194x110x8x56.nii.gz \
> --T2map --T2part --TE 7e-3 --nT2 40 \
> --T2Range 7e-3 2.0 --SPWin 7e-3 25e-3 --MPWin 25e-3 200e-3 --Reg gcv \
> --mask data/masks/image-194x110x8x56_mask.nii.gz \
> --output output/masked/

These results will be stored in the folder output/masked/.

Processing multiple files

Multiple files can be passed in for processing. Here, we process both images from the above examples, this time using brain masks for both images:

$ decaes \
> data/images/image-194x110x1x56.nii.gz \
> data/images/image-194x110x8x56.nii.gz \
> --T2map --T2part --TE 7e-3 --nT2 40 \
> --T2Range 7e-3 2.0 --SPWin 7e-3 25e-3 --MPWin 25e-3 200e-3 --Reg chi2 --RegParams 1.02 \
> --mask \
> data/masks/image-194x110x1x56_mask.nii.gz \
> data/masks/image-194x110x8x56_mask.nii.gz \
> --output output/multiple/

Passing parameters from a settings file

Flags and parameters can be passed in from settings files by prepending the @ character to the path of the settings file. Using the settings files in the data/ folder, we can re-run the above examples as follows:

$ decaes @data/example1.txt
$ decaes @data/example2.txt
$ decaes @data/example3.txt

These results will be stored in the folders output/example1/, output/example2/, and output/example3/, as specified by the settings files.

The use of settings files is highly recommended for reproducibility and self-documentation, as a copy of the input settings file will be automatically saved in the output folder. For more information on creating settings files, see the documentation.

Default settings files

Often, one has a standard set of parameters that is used for T2 distribution analysis, but may be interested in varying a small number of parameters one-by-one to see their effect on the T2 distribution/derived metrics. For example, one may wish to compare regularization methods or change the number of T2 components.

This can be easily done by passing in extra parameters to override default settings stored in a settings file:

$ decaes @data/example1.txt --Reg gcv

MATLAB Interface

The DECAES CLI can be called from within MATLAB using the function decaes.m provided by this repository. The below example processes image.nii using multiple threads using decaes.m:

>> decaes('image.nii', <COMMAND LINE ARGS>...) % function syntax
>> decaes image.nii <COMMAND LINE ARGS> % or equivalently, command syntax


The examples in this README using the CLI should directly translate to MATLAB: simply replace trailing \ characters with ... for the multiline commands.


Example scripts

The scripts and examples.m provided by this repository demonstrate the three example invocations of DECAES above. These scripts require only that julia is installed and that DECAES is installed.

Running ./ in the terminal or examples in MATLAB will execute the respective scripts. Results will be stored in a directory ./output/.

DECAES Tutorial 2022

DECAES.jl Software Tutorial: Myelin and Luminal Water Imaging in under 1 Minute

JuliaCon 2021

JuliaCon 2021 - Matlab to Julia: Hours to Minutes for MRI Image Analysis


Due to performance optimizations enabled by Julia, DECAES is fast. As an illustration, here is a comparison between DECAES and UBC MWF MATLAB toolbox T2-distribution computation times for two multi spin-echo (MSE) datasets:

Dataset Matrix Size CPU Cores Threads MATLAB DECAES
56-echo MSE 240 x 240 x 113 Intel Xeon E5-2640 12 24 1h:25m:01s 1m:07s
48-echo MSE 240 x 240 x 48 Intel Xeon E5-2640 12 24 59m:40s 40s
56-echo MSE 240 x 240 x 113 AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16 32 22m:33s 15.6s
48-echo MSE 240 x 240 x 48 AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16 32 17m:56s 9.3s
56-echo MSE 240 x 240 x 113 AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32 64 -- 7.7s
48-echo MSE 240 x 240 x 48 AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32 64 -- 4.3s

Benchmarking notes:

  • MATLAB scripts used were from the MWI_NNLS_toolbox_0319 subfolder of the ubcmwf github repository
  • Both MATLAB and DECAES made use of precomputed brain masks to skip voxels outside of the brain
  • Image loading time and MATLAB/Julia startup time are not included


Repository containing example usage of the DEcomposition and Component Analysis of Exponential Signals (DECAES) tool.






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