jasmine-ajax-mock is a plugin for jasmine-ajax that adds a similar interface for stubbing AJAX requests as the ruby gem WebMock. jasmine-ajax-mock adds the ability to stub specific request and to explicitly assert that a correct URL was requested.
###jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest(method, url)
To stub a request use jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest
and give it the HTTP method eg. "GET", "POST" and a request url.
jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest("GET", "http://example.com")
This returns a stub object that you can then use to provide response data or assert that the request was made.
####Stub object
A stub object has two methods, andReturn
and andWait
jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest("GET", "http://example.com").andReturn(myObj);
jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest("GET", "http://example.com").andWait();
####Stub methods #####andReturn(obj) Immediately returns the AJAX response with the passed Object or JSON string (it's parsed into JSON internally).
jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest("GET", requestUrl).andReturn({status: 200, body: {received_response: true}});
#####andWait(obj) Stores passed Object or JSON string and returns a response object that can then be used to trigger a response when desired.
var request = jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest("GET", requestUrl).andWait({
status: 200,
body: {received_response: true}
// Using respond
// Using respondWith
request.respondWith({body: {received_response: true}});
###jasmine.Ajax.getRequest(method, url)
returns a request object and can be used with the added toHaveBeenRequested
expect(jasmine.Ajax.getRequest("GET", "http://example.com")).toHaveBeenRequested();
describe("making a request", function() {
var requestUrl = "http://example.com",
success = jasmine.createSpy("onSuccess");
beforeEach(function() {
url: requestUrl,
type: "GET",
success: success
it("should be successful", function() {
jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest("GET", requestUrl).andReturn({body: {received_response: true}});
expect(jasmine.Ajax.getRequest("GET", requestUrl)).toHaveBeenRequested();
expect(success.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual({received_response: true});