Create smokemonster rom packs from a database file and a collection of roms with the ability to read directy from and/or to an archive (7z, zip, ...)
An alternative tool for building smokemonster rom packs based on the following source
- Archive support using libarchive
- Currently zip, rar, and 7z are supported for input (Single level deep archives only, Can't read a zip inside a zip for example)
- Currently zip and 7z are supported for output
- Multiple input sources
- Simultaneous output to folder and archive
- UTF-8 support
- It would be nice to add windows and osx support.
- investigate building in windows with mingw, libarchive, and gnulib. (any advice here is welcome)
- investigate replacing linux specific things like ftw.
- Support more input and output archive types. What would anyone want besides 7z and zip?
- Writing very large 7z files breaks on my small pc (AMD E-350, 4gb) but works fine on my server (AMD-FX, 32gb). Might investigate setting 7z compression dictionary size in libarchive.
- If you try to verify a zip file with unzip you get Extra-Field errors. It verifies fine in 7z so this might be an issue with unzip and not libarchive
See full usage
smp -h
Create a zip archive and also output to a directory
smp -d "database_location" -i "input_dir" -i "input_file" -i "input_archive" -o "output_dir" -a ""
Verify an existing archive (This only verifies the file exists and has the correct hash. It does not verify it is in the correct location)
smp -d "database_location" -i "archive.7z"
Verify an existing directory (This only verifies the file exists and has the correct hash. It does not verify it is in the correct location)
smp -d "database_location" -i "directory"
Create a database file from a directory
smp -D "databse_location" -P "directory"
Create a database file from an archive
smp -D "databse_location" -A "archive"
A makefile is provided for building in linux
Install libarchive
cd to the directory and run 'make'