This simple script monitors the unifi controller for new hosts. When a new host is found, it emits an email alerting you that a new host is on the network.
Subject: Never Seen 14:10:9f:xx:xx:xx - (jchanmbp) connecting to MyNet
Full Info: {
"1x_identity": "jonathan",
"_id": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"_is_guest_by_uap": false,
"_last_seen_by_uap": 1524349895,
"_uptime_by_uap": 2473,
"ap_mac": "f0:9f:c2:xx:xx:xx",
"assoc_time": 1524347422,
"authorized": true,
"bssid": "02:9f:c2:xx:xx:xx",
"bytes-r": 3730,
"ccq": 333,
"channel": 153,
"essid": "MyNet",
"first_seen": 1523998057,
"hostname": "jchanmbp",
"idletime": 0,
"ip": "",
"is_11r": false,
"is_guest": false,
"is_wired": false,
"last_seen": 1524349895,
"latest_assoc_time": 1524347423,
"mac": "14:10:9f:xx:x:xx",
"noise": -105,
"oui": "Apple",
"powersave_enabled": false,
"qos_policy_applied": true,
"radio": "na",
"radio_proto": "na",
"rssi": 43,
"rx_bytes": 6713081,
"rx_bytes-r": 1768,
"rx_packets": 40391,
"rx_rate": 300000,
"signal": -62,
"site_id": "5ad63ccee4babababa",
"tx_bytes": 17429567,
"tx_bytes-r": 1962,
"tx_packets": 37897,
"tx_power": 44,
"tx_rate": 243000,
"uptime": 2473,
"user_id": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
"vlan": 0
NOTE: This script can be easily circumvented by a careful bad agent. If the bad agent spoofs a mac address already associated with your access point, no alert will be emitted. This is only intended for casual alerting of new hosts on the network.
Run this easily as a docker container. It runs as a daemon and checks for new hosts every ~15 seconds.
$ docker run --name unifi-alerts \
-v <path to data>:/var/www/data `# only necessary if you want the script to remember previously found hosts` \
-e UNIFI_URL=https://unifi.yours.local:8443 \
-e UNIFI_USER=unifi_alerts \
-e UNIFI_PASS=unifi_alerts \
-e SITE_ID=default \
-e SMTP_HOST=localhost \
-e SMTP_PORT=25 \
-e SMTP_USER=user `# remove this if your smtp has no auth` \
-e SMTP_PASS=pass `# remove this if your smtp has no auth` \
-e FROM_EMAIL=unifi_alerts@unifi.yours.local \
-e FROM_NAME="Unifi Alerter" `# this is optional` \
-e \
-e TO_NAME="YOUR NAME" `# this is optional` \
-e DAILY_AP_RESTART_TIME=07:30 `# this is optional; when set, enables restart of AP at specified time in UTC`
-e DAILY_AP_RESTART_MAC=f0:9f:c2:00:00:00 `# this is optional; when set, specifies which AP to restart identified by mac addr`
-d jonmchan/unifi-alerts
You should see the following output in the logs:
$ docker logs unifi-alerts
Polling unifi controller for hosts...
New host found - a0:99:9b:xx:xx:xx - (jchan-mbp15) - sending email!
New host found - cc:20:e8:xx:xx:xx - (Jonathan-iPhone) - sending email!
New host found - 24:ab:81:xx:xx:xx - (JChan-Desktop) - sending email!
Polling unifi controller for hosts...
Polling unifi controller for hosts...
Polling unifi controller for hosts...
Polling unifi controller for hosts...
Polling unifi controller for hosts...
Added an optional environment variable DAILY_AP_RESTART_TIME
. When set, it sends a restart to unifi at the specified time. My AP was acting flaky, hoping restarting it nightly will help.
You should be able to run this standalone, but I have not tested this.