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New mac setup

This repo contains all the scripts I use to set up a new Mac, and to keep my dotfiles in sync across my computers. I use chezmoi to manage the dotfiles.

It was forked from

Read his step-by-step detailed guide.

Preperation on Old Mac:

Copy all your ".something" files into the corresponding "dot_something" file in this repo.

Deactivate licenses/Sign out

  • Capto
  • 4kDownload
  • Bartender
  • Apple TV, Music
  • Others?

Create Brewfile:

  1. Run:
    cd ~
    brew bundle dump
  2. Then copy contents into Brewfile.tmpl in this repo.

Set up new Mac

  1. Sign in to iCloud and App Store, otherwise installing apps via mas won’t work.

  2. Download and execute .laptop.local:

    cd ~; curl --remote-name; mv dot_laptop.local .laptop.local; chmod 744 .laptop.local;./.laptop.local

    When prompted by chezmoi for email, enter the email you want to use for Git. When prompted for location, enter home or work, so that the appropriate apps and aliases are installed based on whether this is a home computer or work computer. See Brewfile.local.tmpl for an example. When prompted for the various tokens, get them from 1Password and paste them in.

  3. Restart the computer.


If you want to refresh dot files on your current Mac, just run:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This script will take all your ~/.* files and copy them to a .dot_backkup file so you can refresh all your dot files from the repo.

Then run this script to refresh your dot files (WARNING: Your current dotfiles will be overwritten. It's a good idea to back them up.):

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


My configuration is using the oh-my-zsh framework.

Place any custom changes in the dot_oh-my-zsh/custom folder with a '.zsh' extenstion. Oh-my-zsh will read those files last and override any aliases or other settings from Oh-my-zsh.

Chezmoi will place the custom files in the custom folder. If for some reason, the custom files are not being read, delete any .zcompdump* files in your home directory. For more oh-my-zsh troubleshooting see...

Other Resources

Look-up Homebrew Formlae:

The Unofficial guide to dotfiles on GitHub:

To Remove current dot files to run .laptop.local from github again

rm .aliases;rm .b*;sudo rm -r .config;rm .curlrc;rm .e*;rm .functions;rm .g*;rm .hushlogin;rm .inputrc;rm .laptop.local;sudo rm -r .local;rm .macos;rm .nvm;rm .screenrc;rm .wgetrc;sudo rm -r .zsh_sessions;rm .z*;

To archive current dot files to a new folder named dot_archive

mkdir dot_archive;mv .aliases dot_archive; mv .b* dot_archive; mv .config dot_archive; mv .curlrc dot_archive; mv .e* dot_archive; mv .functions dot_archive; mv .g* dot_archive; mv .hushlogin dot_archive; mv .inputrc dot_archive; mv .laptop.local dot_archive; mv .local dot_archive; mv .macos dot_archive; mv .nvm dot_archive; mv .screenrc dot_archive; mv .wgetrc dot_archive; mv .zsh_sessions dot_archive; mv .z* dot_archive;


  • Automatically set macOs settings using the executable_dot_macos file.
  • Set spotlight to opt + spacebar to make space for Alfred


My dotfiles






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