This is a homebridge plugin to make a Raspberry Pi connected with a Relay Board and DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor into a smart thermostat that can be controlled via the Home app on iOS using Homekit. This plugin only supports Heaters.
- You can use homebridge UI to install and configure this plugin.
- To install manually:
npm i homebridge-heater-thermostat
"accessory": "HeaterThermostat",
"name": "Pi Thermostat",
"relayPin": 21,
"dhtSensorType": 22,
"temperatureSensorPin": 4,
"invert": false,
"temperatureThreshold": 0.5,
"maxTemperature": 28,
"minTemperature": 12,
"minimumOnOffTime": 120000,
"temperatureCheckInterval": 10000,
"targetTemperature": 23,
"heatingThresholdTemperature": 18,
"coolingThresholdTemperature": 24