Table of contents
There are 3 root folders:
- design
Contains the class diagram of the project and a readme file about some design details and main algorithms descriptions.
- exe (package folder)
Package of the executable. Contains the sources of model and control classes and unit tests.
- libConsoleView (package folder)
Shared library package. Contains the sources of view classes, source files and unit tests.
Both packages are structured the same way.
- src Sources: header and cpp files.
There is one header/cpp per class. The files are organised in sub folders, according to class families. All the classes and methods are commented, take a look at this comments to have details.
- test Boost tests.
The tests are organized exactly alike the sources. There is one test file per class, and if a test use mockup classes, they are in a "mockup" sub-folder.
The design is detailed in design/ You can have a look to the project's class diagram as well: design/class_diagram.pdf.
The project is composed of 2 main packages, an executable "CollectGame" and a shared library (dll/so) "libConsoleView". LibConsoleView is separated since it can be reused in other projects.
libConsoleView could be reused in any program that wants this kind of interface: a console interface with a menu of commands. See details here: libConsoleView/
The package is in charge of the console interface. It's not linked to a third party library, but it includes Boost headers in order to use boost::signals2.
It is accompanied by 2 others cmake targets/packages: boost unit tests and an executable demo.
The package contains model and control classes. It is not having any direct console in/out. Again it's not linked to a third party library, but includes Boost headers in order to use boost::signals2 and boost::graph.
It is accompanied by an other cmake targets/package: boost unit tests.
Useful information about used tools (version...)
- Cmake
version 3.12.0 for linux building, and version 3.5.2 for windows building (cross compilation with MXE). -> So I cant use the command: add_executable(TargetName) , and had to do it with add_executable(TargetName, sources), in the old way. You can run cmake from a sub folder called "build*", as git ignore them.
- Boost
version 1.58 for linux building, and version 1.60 for windows building
- OS
I built everything (including windows binaries) on Linux (Cross compilation with MXE). The project should be compilable natively on Windows, but I never tried. The unit tests pass on windows as well.
I don't know yet for which reason, but when I built the unit tests of the executable (CollectGame), the linker can't link the package CollectGame to libConsoleView any more. It sends me "Undefined reference to 'class::method()'" warning. That happens only with that unit test. After a day of fix trials, I chose to leave this unit tests aside. Unit tests build of each package is optional thanks to cmake's cache options and I set this option off by default for the executable. The project builds well like that.
I didn't get the problem when I implemented the model, since I worked in a git-branch dedicated to the model. So I could write and run the unit tests of the model perfectly when I implemented the model. But now we can't run them any more, and command unit tests are missing.
While writing that lines I figure out another problem: On windows the random function does not seem to work. Every run the map and items values are equal. I didn't notice it before, since I launched it only a few time on windows, and (that's the mistake) the unit tests do not test the randomness. So here is a good lesson for me: randomness need to be tested.