ESP32 Vnc client
Uses ili9341 display with touch screen on the Olimex ESP POE hardware:
For ESP IDF with esp-iot-solution display drivers.
To use change #define VNC_SERVER_IPADDR in main/lcdtouchvnc.c to the IP address of your VNC server. As default it will compile for Ethernet, if you would rather use Wifi then uncomment #define USE_WIFI and set the SSID and PASSWORD
I tested with Xvnc version "TightVNC-1.3.10" on Linux with the command
"Xvnc :1 -geometry 240x320 -depth 16"
Start a clock on your display for example:
"xclock -update 1 -display localhost:1"
Then VNC connect to it with this code.
At the moment only "raw" encoding is supported for 16 bit RGB (565) format.
Some IDF versions seem to have driver issues when using Ethernet, see "esp_idf_bug.txt"