Releases: jooby-project/jooby
jooby 1.2.0
New Features:
#796: Neo4j driver
#846: jdbi3 module
#844: Node first class support
Breaking changes:
#819: favor req.file(name) over req.param(name).toUpload
#757: remove javaslang
#833: remove JavaScript/Nashorn support
#868: decouple jdbc module
#870: ebean
#871: hibernate
#872: querydsl
#873: jooq
#874: rxjdbc
#875: jdbi
#909: remove assets-react module
#910: remove hibernate 4 module
#860: undertow: route pipeline fails to stop when sending a large file
#877: Default behavior of Req.locale() should be Locale.lookup()
#854: Can't change default application config file name
#904: Cannot enable client certificate authentication
#897: path operator
#884: jooby:run: Restart on package.json changes
#822: kotlin: annotated public API with NonNull annotation
#865 logback 1.2.3
#831 Akka 2.12
#901 Kotlin 1.1.51
#903 jboss modules 1.6.1
#896 jongo 1.3.0
#908 jetty 9.4.7
#906 netty 4.1.16
#907 undertow 1.4.20
#911 jackson 2.9.2
#914 flyway 4.2.0
Full list of changes available here
jooby 1.1.3
Minor release with lot of Kotlin enhancements:
- Make Kooby extensible (useful for unit or integration tests):
class App: Kooby({
get {
"Love kotlin"
- Reified version of param, header and body:
get {
val str = param<String>("name")
val intval = param<Int>("name")
val type = param<MyType>("x")
Full list of changes available here
jooby 1.1.2
#767: Require doesnt work in routes defined on a separate file.
#759: pac4j: logout doesn't work with MongoSessionStore
#791: Err handler doesn't work for Err subclasses
#792: Hot-reloading doesn't work if there are multiple ebean datasources
#753: jooby raml ignore class hidden properties
#770: add UUID type to raml spec
#765: Pebble template file not found if packaging into jar
#763: HikariCp: mySQL 6.x driver support
#786: Add routes method to chain object
#755: I18N support in jooby
#771: Let ebean module support multiple named dataSources
#788: MediaType improvement for malware attack against known route
#760: jdbi 2.78
#782: netty 4.1.11
#783: undertow 1.4.15
Break changes:
#797: ebean: remove Ebeanby.packages method
Full list of changes available here
jooby 1.1.1
New Features:
#740: Consul module
#745: React.js support
#696: rocker: template inheritance doesn't work with maven projects
#698: Forking JVM does not work with jooby:run
#725: pebble: default error page doesn't work
#731: IllegalReferenceCountException: refCnt: 0 (Exec + Jackson)
#732: jedis: IllegalStateException: Object has already been returned to this pool or is invalid
#743: file monitor should stop background thread on application shutdown
#701: Update Apache Camel to 2.18.x and add FluentProducerTemplate
#711: assets: babel 6.24
#721: assets: rollup.js 0.41.6
#722: assets: add babel plugin to rollup.js
#713: Guava 21
#728: Cassandra 3.2.0
#719: Freemarker 2.3.26
#741: Redis 2.9.0
Full list of changes is available here
Enjoy it!
jooby 1.1.0
New Features:
#548: MVC should support WebSockets
#619: Kotlin first-class citizen
#564: Requery module
#565: Rocker module
#670: LiveReload module
#644: Server Side Include
#690: Jooby is now 2x/3x faster in a simple hello world test. See microservices-framework-benchmark
#647: Crash when using CookieSessionManager with invalid cookie
#649: cookie parser fails when cookie value isn't present
#654: OAuth error using MongoSessionStore
#677: netty: random java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException: null while closing websocket
#669: Can't deploy jooby project on Jetty/Tomcat
#658: Unable to use pgsql driver
#660: Update Ebean to latest version
#674: Exposes Servlet Request attributes
#645: Send message to all connected web socket clients
#653: Datastax DSE a Separate Module
#617: RouteSpec Attributes
#693: netty 4.1.9.Final
#650: undertow 1.4.9.Final
#694: jetty 9.4.3.v20170317
Full list of changes is available here
Enjoy it!
jooby 1.0.3
New Features:
- #621: Assets don't work on HTTPS with Netty
- #623: Flyway is not instantiated by using Named annotation
- #622: Hikari configuration problem with multiple datasources
- #624: pac4j: auth redirect doesn't work if application.path is set
Break changes
- #630: jdbc/hikari: rename properties for multi-database usage
Full list of changes is available here
jooby 1.0.2
- #607: Add support for external health check registry
- #608: Server worker executor
- #612: undertow 1.4.8.Final
- #610: netty 4.1.7.Final
- #613: jetty 9.4.0.v20161208
- #605: pac4j 1.9.5
- #616: jackson/json: add parameter names module
- #618: jackson: support raw string as json response
- #599: pac4j: queryString get lost after after login
- #603: Failed to submit an exceptionCaught() event
- #604: Hazlecast Caching Problem
Full list of changes is available here
jooby 1.0.1
This minor release comes with 35 resolved issues. Including:
New Features
- #579: Testing support including unit test and documentation for integration tests.
- #587: Thymeleaf template engine.
- #584: Silent favicon.ico request
- #592: enum http parameters must be case-insensitive
- #585: Absolute filesystem path for assets
- #575: Callback when the server has started.
- #599: pac4j: queryString get lost after after login
- #590: mongodb session store doesn't work
- #572: pac4j callbacks doesn't work if application.path is set
- #569: morphia auto increment ID fails on super classes
- #573: executor() causes
- #562: jooby-scanner doesn't work from jooby:run
Full list of changes is available here
jooby 1.0.0
After 2 years of hard work, we are proud to announce the first stable release of Jooby
The new release comes with new features, enhancements and bug fixes:
New Features
- #499: crash remote shell
- #529: new elastic search client
- #542: byte range support
- #543: assets svg-symbol processor
- #544: assets css-autoprefixer
- #498: functional deferred construction
- #512: assets handler: automatically configure
on startup - #546: assets modules should not turn off etag and lastModified header on development
- #549: assets live compiler: process modified file (not entire set of files)
- #516: Security issue: upgrade to pac4j v1.9.4
- #515: assets: fileset resolver fails on transitive dependencies
- #513: dr-svg-sprites: nodejs doesn't found dr-svg-sprites
- #528: maven assets compiler isn't executed
- #523: Video files not playing on Safari and iOS devices
- #550: bean parser fails on empty parameters
API change:
- #505: rename Env.routes() to Env.router() and Routes class to Router
- #518: Add queryString: Optional method to Request and NativeRequest
Break change:
- #497: req.body should not be use it for form post
- #541: replace elasticsearch 1.x for 5.x
- #559: replace assets-sass (ruby) with assets-jsass (libsass)\
Full list of changes is available here
Enjoy it!
jooby 1.0.0.CR8
We are proud to announce the 1.0.0.CR8 (pre-final) release of
The new release comes with 14 new feature, enhancement and bug fixes
New Features
- #418: HTTP/2.0
- #448: Classpath Scanner
- #473: XSS escapers
- #463: Caffeine cache
- #456: SVG to css sprite
- #454: libsass (faster sass processor)
- #480: Tabular form post
- #488 #489: Global/local executor for deferred API
- #490: callable/completablefuture as async result types
- #492: Request access log
- #447: mvn jooby:run with multiple modules dependencies does not reload
- #462: named globbing using ":name" or "{name:}"
- #470: allow to customize flash cookie
- #455: HTTP body strategy
- #476: xss on template engines
- #438: Upgrade to pac4j v1.9.2
- #486: bean parser: dot notation
- #444: POST with empty
generates an error - #446: Jade engine in RC7 problem with resolving template files
- #469: redirect doesn't work if application.path is set
- #468: flash scope get lost between (sub)paths
- #452: jdbc url with parameters fails at startup time
- #467: Problems with Content-Length using Undertow or Jetty
- #466: Cookie Session - destroy() does not destroy session
- #482: Setting media type (json for eg) manually not working for certain cases.
Full list of changes is available here
Enjoy it!