Releases: jooby-project/jooby
Releases · jooby-project/jooby
jooby 1.0.0.CR7
New Features
- #429: jdbc settings programmatically
- #441: allow to set port, lang, charset, dateFormat... programmatically
- #423: after/complete handler must work when going async
- more/better gradle support
- latest netty/undertow and jetty
- #431: Empty parameters are treated as missing
- #437: revert: unify absent of HTTP parameter and empty strings
Full change list available here
Enjoy it!!!
jooby 1.0.0.CR6
New Features
- #405: jooby:run maven plugin shouldn't fork to a new JVM
- #407: unify absent of HTTP parameter and empty strings
- #408: bean parser: support null values
- #409: make enum parser case-insensitive
- #396: undertow server doesn't work with jooby:run
- #406: jooby:run maven plugin doesn't work with javascript app
Full change list available here
Enjoy it!
jooby 1.0.0.CR5
jooby 1.0.0.CR4
New Features:
- 376: Multiple filters for interceptors
- 380: complement on("env" ...) callback with an orElse option
- 382: err handler on specific exception/code
- 398: add source information to route
- 390: assets maven plugin is broken
- 391: closure compiler attempt to process .css files (not .js)
- 400: Used the PebbleEngine#cacheActive method to enable/disable caches
- 401: jdbi in clause doesn't work if there is any post named param
API change:
- 385: rename Routes.mapper() to
- 394: dependency scope of asset processor must be: provided (not test)
Full change list available here
We expect one more candidate release and go with the first stable release: 1.0.0!!!
jooby 1.0.0.CR3
New features:
- #350: rxjava module
- #351: rx-jdbc module
- #352: reactor module
- #353: banner module: print asciiArt banner on startup
- #355: Add start/stop event and provide access to service registry
- #356:
overridden in inRequest.assets(String, AssetHandler)
- #363: jooby should probably have a bom (bill of materials) pom
- #367: global route mapper
- #368: simplify Guice bindings
- #361: upload protected with pac4j auth error
- #364: env config file isn't found while setting the application.env via arguments
API change:
- #360: remove lifecycle methods from Managed objects and PostConstruct/Predestroy objects from Guice
- #366: Jooby.start()* throws Throwable api-change
Full change list available here
jooby 1.0.0.CR2
jooby 1.0.0.CR1
Happy to announce the release of 1.0.0.CR1!!
New features:
- Server-sent events
- Executor module
- jooby:run now compiles the source code on file changes
- Sitemap module
- route operators: with/map
- querydsl module
- initial support for gradle
- a lot of dependencies upgrade
Full change log is available here
Enjoy it!