The following project was my semester 2 synthesis assignment, 2022. Briefly, it is about managing tournaments and registered players through a desktop app, and a web application for users to register accounts, join, and view tournaments and results. The main tournament system is round-robin, where every players plays everyone.
The purpose for creating the project was to learn the following software engineering concepts:
- C# OOP
- SOLID principles
- Basic ASP.NET
- Windows Forms
- Monolithic architecture
- Database mapping
- Password hashing
- Unit testing
- URS (User Requirements Specification, Waterfall methodology)
- UML (Unified Modeling Language)
Currently, the projects can only be run by having a MySQL database running locally. Else, the app refuses to start, as it tries to fetch data unsuccessfully.
You can find more information in the documents provided.
- Add mock data
- Add pictures
- Add docker support for the web app