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joric edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 26 revisions

Bluetosis uses proprietary Gazell protocol as a second channel, for backward compatiblity. There are a few split keyboards that successfully run Bluetooth HID and Bluetooth UART service concurrently. Most of them use Adafruit nRF52 library and simple sketches written and compiled in Arduino IDE.

Arduino nRF5

There is Arduino-nRF5 by Sandeep Mistry that supports nRF51. You could use arduino-BLEPeripheral library for sketches. Works fine with BLE400 board (Arduino IDE setup, wiring). Sadly this library has multiple issues with Windows 10.

Arduino nRF52

Note that Arduino nRF52 builds (usually based on Bluefruit nRF52 boards) are NOT compatible with the Mitosis keyboard (softdevice s132 and all the software is nRF52-only, Mitosis is nRF51-based).


This is a drop-in Pro Micro replacement that is compatible with Arduino nRF52 boards (it's NOT compatible with nRF51). BlueMicro is open source, official repositories are BlueMicro_BLE (firmware) and NRF52-Board (hardware).


There is also nRF52840-based dual-mode board in development (nRF52840 provides hardware USB support). It's supposed to work either with an unmodified Adafruit bootloader and nRF5x QMK fork (QMK fork also could work with nRF51-based boards but it's very experimental).

Mitosis clones

There are numerous Mitosis clones. Some of them use diode matrix, unsupported by this software.

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