- terraform
- ansible
- jq (to parse terraform tfstate file)
cp terraform.tfvars.dist terraform.tfvars
# add your hetzner cloud api token and the names of your sshkeys inside
# hetzner cloud to **terraform.tfvars**
# optional change server_count and server_type
terraform init
cp roles/playbook/vars/main.yml.dist roles/playbook/vars/main.yml
# change docker-compose-repo and certbot-mail in roles/playbook/vars/main.yml
terraform plan
terraform apply
echo '# inventory' | tee inventory
cat terraform.tfstate | jq --raw-output '.resources[].instances[].attributes | select(.name != null) | .ipv4_address' | tee -a inventory
ansible-playbook -i inventory -u root playbook.yml
terraform destroy