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Ktor Reactive REST API for Hyperskill

Example of a Reactive REST API with Ktor based on Hyperskill tracks

Kotlin LICENSE GitHub


About this project

This is an example of a Reactive REST API with Ktor and Kotlin using techniques tha you can learn on the different Hyperskill tracks.

This tutorials have been made to learn how to create a reactive service with a Reactive REST API with Ktor with Kotlin technologies.

You can find the following tutorials in the Hyperskill Medium blog.

You can also follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with our latest articles and projects. We are on Reddit, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.


Parts of the tutorial and Repositories

You can find the following parts of the tutorial in the following repository: Ktor Reactive REST API for Hyperskill.

In this repository you can find the following parts of the tutorial in each commit and the end result in the last commit and tag:


Coded with 💖 by José Luis González Sánchez. Member of the Kotlin Team in Hyperskill.

Twitter GitHub GitHub


Let me know if there's anything you need help with 💬.





This repository and all its contents are licensed under the Creative Commons license. If you want to know more, see the LICENSE. Please cite the author if you share, use or modify this project, and use the same conditions for its educational, formative, or non-commercial use.

Creative Commons License
JoseLuisGS by José Luis González Sánchez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at