This package performs energy minimisation of Ising Hamiltonians as described in arXiv:2108.08064: "Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimisation via Quantum-Inspired Annealing"
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A problem instance is specified by a symmetric n x n torch tensor with zero diagonal, encoding the Hamiltonian. One then creates a lqa class instance and calls minimise()
Example code:
import torch
import localquantumannealing as lqa
create random 1000 x 1000 symmetric coupling matrix
couplings = torch.rand([1000,1000])
couplings = couplings+couplings.T
couplings = 2*couplings-1
create a lqa instance
machine = lqa.Lqa(couplings)
if there is a cuda enabled GPU avaliable, switch to it
gpu = torch.device('cuda:0')
run the minimisation with chosen hyperparameters:
machine.minimise(step=2, N=1000, g=1, f=0.1)
- step: initial step size (fed to Adam gradient descent algorithm)
- N: total number of steps
- g: annealing strength (gamma in the article)
- f: constant that multiplies the random weight initialisation
return the spin configuration, energy and optimisation time
config = machine.config
energy =
opt_time = machine.opt_time
One can also use the class Lqa_basic. This performs simple momentum assisted gradient descent without going through the pytorch autograd functions. It is thus less memory intensive and suitable for larger problems. Here, one should specify the momentum when calling minimise. e.g.
machine = lqa.Lqa_basic(couplings)
machine.minimise(step=0.1, N=1000, g=1, f=0.1, mom=0.99)
where mom corresponds to the parameter \mu in the article.