- Master will load balance all of the links and tell the slaves which links they need to crawl.
- Slaves will crawl the links given to them
- Used scrapy and its CrawlSpider.
- Code for my spider can be found in reddit_scraper/spiders/spider.py
- Rules to discover links on reddit as well as rules to discover pagination buttons
- The spider will save its results (response url) in a .txt file in crawler_results
- Need: Anaconda, Scrapy, Python-xlwt
- Instructions (for Ubuntu at least)
- Install Anaconda -- https://www.continuum.io/downloads
- Install Scrappy : "conda install -c conda-forge scrapy"
- Note* If you still cannot run scrapy you may need to fix your path "export PATH=~/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"
- Install xlwt (used to save results in excel file) "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install python-xlwt"
- If that didn't work then try "pip install xlwt" (if you have pip)
- Edit Filepaths in Path.java to the src folder
- Include your List of Starting URLs in resources with name "crawl_list.txt"
- Compile the code with "make"
- Need at least 2 terminals/machines
- Have one be the master by running "java Master"
- The rest are slaves by running "java Slave"
- Slaves will need to add their master in , i.e. ",8000"
- After all slaves are added, on the master type in the command "start"
- Wait until all slaves are completed, the master will print out the time logs and exit the program
- Clean up files with "make clean"
- Compile Code with "make"
- Run command "java Solo"